Christian News Weekly Recap Sept 18 – 23, 2023
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Sept 18, 2023
The neighborhood church returns: Making the comeback a reality
Bringing up children in a post-Christian world
Three Christians gunned down in Kurdistan
Former Australian prime minister Scott Morrison opens up about his faith in new memoir
Tuesday Sept 19, 2023
Call for prayer as priest abducted in Nigeria
Only 40% in France want a religious ceremony when they die
Christian venues cancel Evangelical men’s outreach Promise Keepers over gender ideology
Christian marriage clerk told to pay $100k damages in same-sex case
Wednesday Sept 20, 2023
Evangelical Christian numbers on the rise in Spain
Temple University Acting President JoAnne A. Epps dies after collapsing at memorial service
Evangelical aid arrives in Morocco despite challenges
Armenian Christians in Karabakh head to airport after ceasefire deal forces surrender
Thursday Sept 21, 2023
A California county calls off ‘American Christian Heritage Month’ after fierce backlash
Priests carry out same sex blessings outside cathedral
Church leaders establish goal to train over 100K new European pastors in next decade
United Methodist Church bishop faces church trail for financial malpractice and harassment
Friday Sept 22, 2023
European church leaders commit to train 100k new pastors by 2030
More Singaporeans are choosing Christianity or no religion at all
Christian MP quizzes gov on ‘silent attack on Christians’ in Manipur, India
Saturday Sept 23, 2023
Christian family accuse courts of ‘gagging’ them in battle with NHS over dying daughter
11 Christians massacred by Islamic State terrorists in Mozambique: report
Schools can refuse to use children’s chosen gender, says equalities body
Church Gets Backlash for Blessing Gay Activists Who Perform Public Perversions Dressed as Nuns
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