Christian News Weekly Recap Sept 20 – 25, 2021
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Sept 20, 2021
Greg Laurie to Bring Back SoCal Harvest for First Time since Pandemic
Ahmadis, Islamic Extremists Charge Christian Woman with Blasphemy
Christians should be ‘outraged’ that children are being ‘trafficked in our own backyard’
UK Christian Watchdog Warns Welsh Pastors Could Be Prosecuted Under ‘Conversion Therapy’ Ban
Tuesday Sept 21, 2021
Youth pastor shot dead while trying to help congregant save burning home
Focus on the Family Kicks off ‘Bring Your Bible to School Day’ on Oct. 7
Evangelist Franklin Graham Launches 8 City ‘God Loves You Tour’
Wednesday Sept 22, 2021
White Americans increasingly identified as ‘evangelical’ during Trump’s term: Pew
SBC leaders agree to pay $1.6M for sexual abuse review, delay decision on waiving privilege
Tennessee HS Football Team Defies School Board, Holds Post-Game Prayer
N.Y. Threatens Christian Adoption Agency over Biblical Beliefs about Marriage, Suit Says
Thursday Sept 23, 2021
‘We’re in a crisis’: America’s ‘first post-Christian generation’
FaithMeet, social media platform with solely Christian content, will launch in 2022
Has Sodom Been Found? Scientists Say Meteor and Fire from Sky ‘Melted’ Ancient City
‘Listen to God’: Denzel Washington Tells Orlando Church Conference What God’s Been Telling Him to Do
Friday Sept 24, 2021
Meet the pastor rebuilding life in the bombed-out city of Mosul
Haitian pastor hears stories of ‘brokenness,’ smugglers raping women in front of their families
Powerful Images from ‘See You at the Pole’ Student Prayer Rallies
Saturday Sept 25, 2021
Christian leaders meet with White House for family support
Christians living in fear as Taliban carries out executions, amputations as punishments
Churches Face Fallout From Scout Crises
Elderly Christian Woman Beaten for Housing Converts from Islam
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