Christian News Weekly Recap Sept 4 – 9, 2023
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Sept 4, 2023
New project to encourage young people to explore faith given £3.2m in funding
Mob attacks on Christian churches and homes in Pakistan set off by false implication, police say
Pastors, churches still struggling in throes of ‘uncertainty and unsettledness’ post-pandemic: study
Tuesday Sept 5, 2023
UN voices alarm over Manipur violence
Church of Haitian pastor who led members into deadly clash with gang is shut down: gov’t official
Disturbing Criminalization of Christianity Underway Overseas: Is It Coming to America Next?
After TV report on ‘conversion therapy’, French minister calls to close Christian association
Wednesday Sept 6, 2023
Christian GP ‘over-stepped boundaries’ by praying with patient, tribunal rules
Disabled Christian murdered over unpaid loan in Pakistan
Rapper Hopsin furious over anti-Christ, satanic images at his concert
Thursday Sept 7, 2023
Football coach at center of Supreme Court prayer case resigns 1 game after reinstatement
Pastor shot after refusing to recite Islamic profession of faith
Former country music artist Granger Smith rejects ‘cultural Christianity’ to find true joy in Christ
Friday Sept 8, 2023
Site where Jesus healed a blind a man unearthed in Jerusalem
Hospital Insults Christians Everywhere, Ditches Christmas Eve as Paid Holiday for Juneteenth
Pastor, presidential candidate defends Texas law allowing schools to hire chaplains
Home Secretary praised after stating ‘silent prayer is not unlawful’
Saturday Sept 9, 2023
Church attendance, volunteering rebounds but remains below pre-pandemic levels: report
Loudoun County church opens school for families looking to ‘escape’ public school agenda
‘The Great Dechurching’ explores America’s religious exodus
Christians must be salt and light for victims of Morocco earthquake says journalist
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