Christian News Weekly Recap September 5 – September 10, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday September 5, 2016
Law is on your side over evangelism, Christians told
Global Hunger Sunday promotion resources available
Ghana: Church launches five-year campaign against child trafficking
Why Russia Anti-Terrorism Law Has Christians Facing Arrest
Tuesday September 6, 2016
Phyllis Schlafly, defender of family & unborn, dies
India Christian Bishop Agrees Caste System is ‘Poison That Threatens to Destroy India’
‘Great things from God’ seen by seminarians abroad
36 Years Of Ministry: One-on-One With Erwin Lutzer
Wednesday September 7, 2016
Only 1 in 10 Mainline Protestant Pastors Discussed Pro-Life Issues From Pulpit in Past 6 Months
Wycliffe Bible Translators Launch #WhyBible Campaign to Show Millennials Why the Bible Still Matters
500-year-old Torah scroll ‘gift of a testimony’
Chinese Parents ‘Begging’ Schools to Teach Children About Jesus as Gospel Continues to Spread
Thursday September 8, 2016
Christian Man Executed in Iran Reaffirmed Faith, Jesus’ Power Over Devil Before Death
Muslims Shoot Father of Kidnapped Christian Woman in Pakistan, Sources Say
Czech Republic Reverses Textbook Stand, Says Jerusalem Is Israel’s Capital
Columbine martyr film seeks bold youth revival
Friday September 9, 2016
Floor tiles found in holy site rubble said to be from Second Temple
Transgender restroom bill applied to Mass. churches
Christian Mission World Vision Lays Off Contractors in Gaza After Israel Allegations
Archaeologists Reconstruct Temple Floor Where Jesus Would Have Walked
Saturday September 10, 2016
West is Ignoring Genocide of Middle East Religious Minorities
‘Race Against the Clock.’ Radical Islamists Caught in Notre Dame Bomb Plot
Bill Nye series will reject true Savior
‘Sully’ Movie Writer Todd Komarnicki Shares How Prayer Guided Script In Clint Eastwood Film
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