Christian News Weekly Recap Sept 7 – 12, 2020
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Sept 7, 2020
500 Ethiopian Christians slaughtered in door-to-door attacks since June
Tony Perkins refutes claim that Biden is ‘more acceptable choice’ for Christians in 2020
Thousands Rejoice, Worship Together ‘To See the Love of God’ During West Coast ‘Revival in America’
Tuesday Sept 8, 2020
12,000 People Gather for Worship Service at California State Capitol
Seattle Church Fights State Abortion Mandate
Thousands commit to Christ at virtual Harvest crusade
Candace Cameron Bure Says She’d Rather ‘Share Jesus with People’ Than Return to The View
Wednesday Sept 9, 2020
62 Percent of Americans Say Jesus Is Returning to ‘Judge’ Everyone
Asia Bibi pleads with Pakistani government to help kidnapped Christian girls
LGBTQ+ Group Threatens to Burn Down Church after Pastor Says Homosexuality Is a Sin
Christian orgs praise new DOE regulation to defund universities that violate faith groups’ rights
Thursday Sept 10, 2020
German evangelicals voice concern about growing role of State
Christian college fires prof. over song about human sin colleague found offensive
Hundreds of Ethiopian Christians Killed in Coordinated Attacks by Extremists since June
Friday Sept 11, 2020
Christians in Northern India Forced to Stop Worship, Pastor Says
Judge bans indoor services at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church
Teens may go to church with their parents but religion is less important to them – study
Pastor’s Daughter Sent Home from School for Wearing ‘Homosexuality Is a Sin’ T-Shirt
Saturday Sept 12, 2020
31st Annual Bible Reading Marathon Kicks Off in Nation’s Capitol
Most US adults say religious belief is matter of personal opinion: study
Hong Kong priests warned over ‘instigating hatred’
Christian Sentenced to Death in Pakistan for ‘Blasphemy’ After He Refused to Convert to Islam
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