Christian News Weekly Recap Sept 9 – 14, 2019
This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday Sept 9, 2019
The rising tide of ‘Christian’ antisemitism in America
Protesters at New Toronto Chick-fil-A Outnumbered by Customers, 100 to 1
Uncovering the Real Hebron in the Midst of a Relentless Media War
Biblical Town of Emmaus May Have Been Found
Tuesday Sept 10, 2019
Benny Hinn must clarify tithing teachings or offer ‘refund’ to those he misled
Illegally Detained Christian Tortured to Death in Custody in Pakistan
California Church Vandalized After Opposing Drag Queen Story Time at Local Library
Wednesday Sept 11, 2019
Finding God in the Shadow of 9/11: A Survivor’s Story
Newly Discovered North Korea Christian Propaganda Footage
Citizens Sue San Antonio over Chick-fil-A Ban, Claim City Targeted Christian Beliefs
Cuban Pastor Couple Imprisoned for Homeschooling Their Children
Thursday Sept 12, 2019
Tornadoes Smash Sioux Falls, a Reminder of God’s Protection
Evangelist Forced to Flee Denmark and Seek Asylum in US
Thousands of Swedes Are Implanting Microchips into Their Hands – Is it a Sign of the Antichrist?
Kirk Cameron Creates TV New Series Featuring Faith-Based Conversations with Celebrity Friends
Friday Sept 13, 2019
Atheism is ‘hopelessly simplistic’, says Oxford professor
Vicar resigns in opposition to Oxford Diocese same-sex guidelines
Police Chief Arms Himself With Bible to Fight Crime on Kenyan Streets
Chick-fil-A on Campus Promotes Inclusion and Freedom, Purdue Tells Upset Faculty
Saturday Sept 14, 2019
Atheism is ‘hopelessly simplistic’, says Oxford professor
Vicar resigns in opposition to Oxford Diocese same-sex guidelines
Police Chief Arms Himself With Bible to Fight Crime on Kenyan Streets
Chick-fil-A on Campus Promotes Inclusion and Freedom, Purdue Tells Upset Faculty
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