Christian News Weekly Recap September 12 – September 17, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday September 12, 2016
Christian Groups Working to Designate Homeland for Persecuted Christians
God vs. Satan: Competing Arkansas Capitol Monuments Draw Fire
Netanyahu Blasts ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Goals of Israel’s Opponents
Churches could be forced to comply with transgender law
Tuesday September 13, 2016
Chinese Pastor Imprisoned for Opposing Cross Demolition Campaign Released
Aussie church may have to accept gay marriage, but not as ‘holy matrimony’
Pizza joint engages in social media spat over Christian music & Bible verses
Bible Miraculously Recovered from Ground Zero, Open to Passage on Forgiveness
Wednesday September 14, 2016
Religion Boosts US Economy More Than Apple, Amazon, and Google Combined
Appeals court tosses case against Catholic hospital that wouldn’t abort baby
North Carolina Loses College Sports Championships Over Transgender ‘Bathroom’ Law
‘I Needed Peace, He Was There.’ Iranian Prisoner Finds Jesus Before Execution
Thursday September 15, 2016
Nicaragua Heeds Evangelicals (Not Catholics) on Missionary Restrictions
Syria Emboldened By US-Russia Ceasefire Deal
‘Insanity of God’ a Tuesday box office shocker: No. 1 in theater average
Friday September 16, 2016
The First Country to Officially Defend Christians Persecuted by ISIS
Archaeologists Discover Site of Famous Biblical Battle
Jewish Students Jolted by ‘Safe Space’ Campus Anti-Semitism
Federal employee stands up, says ‘no’ to LGBT inclusiveness training video
Saturday September 17, 2016
Teen Christian boy ‘murdered’ and hung from a tree in Pakistan
ISIS Claims Responsibility for Minnesota Mall Stabbing
Plans Reinstated to Build Arch of Ba’al in NYC
Two Terror Attempts against Israelis Before the Sabbath
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