Christian News Weekly Recap September 19 – September 24, 2016
This is a recap of the past week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Monday September 19, 2016
Christians massacred in Central African Republic
Belgium’s euthanasia spike is a ‘warning bell’ to UK, MPs told
Christian Radio Is Booming (If You Live 3.5 Miles Away)
Archbishop rebukes US gvmt official’s claim that religious liberty is just ‘code’ for ‘homophobia’
Tuesday September 20, 2016
New report endangers religious liberty, critics say
Which country has the fastest-growing church in the world?
Three Christians attacked in India for distributing Christian literature
Unholy Prophetic Alliance Forming to Control the World
Wednesday September 21, 2016
Botswana Deports U.S. pastor Steven Anderson for Opposing Homosexuality
Canadian Missionary Released from Detainment in China
70 Percent of European Jewry Will Not Be in Synagogue for High Holidays
3 New September Shows with Religion Subplots
Thursday September 22, 2016
Abbas warns two-state solution at risk, calls for UN action
The Satanic Temple opens its international headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts
Leviticus scroll discovery shows Scripture’s inerrancy
Christians fear state control of religion in Zambia
Friday September 23, 2016
North Korea: Christians Crucified, Burned, Steamrolled in Onslaught of Brutal Persecution
Ancient Biblical Scroll is Deciphered by Computer
Hundreds of Thousands of Women Gather to ‘Cry Out’ to God
Contempt of Congress sought for fetal tissue firm
Saturday September 24, 2016
‘Our Lives Have Become Miserable’: The Indian Christians Ostracised For Their Faith
Survey: Views on Homosexuality Major Factor for Millennials Who Left Church
How Can The Church Thrive In A Non-Christian World?
The Godly Heritage Behind the National Museum of African American History
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