Christian News Weekly Recap – Week of 10/11/2015
This is a recap of this week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Church Services Held for Christian Students Killed in Oregon Shootings: ‘These Kids Were Martyrs’
Woman’s Car is Swept Away by a Raging Flood. That’s When She Sees the Red Coming Out of the Water…
The Biblical View Publishing House begins building its facility
Farrakhan ‘Justice or Else’ rally reaches beyond ‘Black Lives Matter’
Monday Oct 12, 2015
Obama’s ex-pastor: Israel is apartheid state, ‘Jesus was a Palestinian’
Top cardinals send sharp warning letter to Pope Francis about reforms
Black Pastor Calls Farrakhan’s ‘Justice or Else!’ March Toxic
Hindu extremists focus on Christian influence in Nepal
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Do you Really Know What is Going on In a Mosque Near You?
Palestinian “Day of Rage” attacks shake Jerusalem
India: Who are the Hindu nationalists targeting Christians and Muslims for conversion?
Crowd Gathers at National Mall to Pray for America’s Revival
Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
ISIS Is Perpetrating Mass Genocide Against Christians – But the World Doesn’t Care
More Canaanite evidence found by NOBTS dig team
‘Woodlawn,’ the movie: Great tool for evangelism
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
It’s Official: Terrorists Are Now the Persecuted Church’s Greatest Threat
Atlanta officials in court: Christian city employees not allowed to express their beliefs
Earliest draft of the King James Bible discovered by New Jersey professor
US “excessive force” comment touches nerve in Israel
Friday Oct 16, 2015
Palestinians burn Joseph’s Tomb ahead of ‘day of rage’
University compromises with atheist group over biblical inscription
South African church latest to fold on same-sex marriage
Obama: Christians Threaten Nation
Evangelist in Eastern Uganda Tortured, Killed after Muslim-Christian Debate
Florida City’s Discrimination Lawsuit Against Church Costs Taxpayers Nearly $300,000
Christian Football Film ‘Woodlawn’ Opens Friday in Theaters
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