Christian News Weekly Recap – Week of 8/2/2015
This is a recap of this week’s news items from our Christian News Section.
Sunday Aug 2, 2015
- Intercepted Document Reveals ISIS militants’ Apocalyptic Plan to End the World
- Prostitution as a human right: Why Amnesty International is on the verge of a terrible mistake
- Suit filed against producers of Planned Parenthood videos
Monday Aug 3, 2015
- Fourth Shocking Planned Parenthood Video Released by Pro-Life Activists Despite Retraining Order
- ‘Gene drive’: Scientists sound alarm over supercharged GM organisms which could spread in the wild and cause environmental disasters
- US Welcomes Iraqi Christian Refugees, with Jail Time
- Nuclear Physicist Declares: ‘Science Will Never Contradict The Bible’
Tuesday Aug 4, 2015
- Fight to defund PPFA ‘far from over’
- State Department watered down human trafficking report
- Iowans plan 1,000 anti-gay marriage billboards
- ISIS continues to slaughter innocent children. WHERE ARE THE CHRISTIANS?
Wednesday Aug 5, 2015
- Sudan Frees Pastors Facing Death Penalty
- CMP Releases Most Shocking Planned Parenthood Video Yet
- Netanyahu: Iran deal will bring war, ‘nightmare’ atomic arms race
- Archaeologists Discover ‘Giant’ City Gate in Goliath’s Hometown
Thursday Aug 6, 2015
- Do ISIS’s atrocities against Christians, Yazidis and Shias really amount to genocide?
- Sudanese pastors released by judge, escaping the death penalty.
- New Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood
- ‘War Room’ Filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick Discuss Upcoming Film, and Why Prayer is Crucial to the Survival of the Church
Friday Aug 7, 2015
- Iraqi Christian Radio Reaches Millions Amid ISIS Threat
- Planned Parenthood scandal: a good thing?
- Syrian Church Growing Despite Islamic State Threat
- Atheist Activist Group Demands Texas School District to Remove Christian Quotes from Walls
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