Death Terrorism & the Middle East, a Biblical Perspective. What is happening and how should we respond as Christians?
I only came across this gem recently; unfortunately far too late to post it here as a lead-up commentary to 9-11-2016. However, the following message delivered by John MacArthur fifteen days after the tragedy of 9-11 is still relevant. The world is still facing the circumstances which fostered the tragic events of that day.
The message was so long it had to be divided into two segments. These can be listened to online or downloaded as MP3 files, and each comes with a convenient transcript.
According to Cameron Buettel:
Part of what makes this sermon so compelling is that it’s very rare for John MacArthur to break from verse-by-verse exposition and deliver commentary on current events. But that’s not to say it’s a museum piece with limited relevance beyond historical curiosity. While it was a response to the 9/11 terror attacks, its implications extend far beyond those events.
John MacArthur’s historic sermon explains why 9/11 happened, but also ultimately why all disasters happen. And we need to know the answers because today we struggle to keep up with a seemingly endless sequence of disasters. Not only terrorist attacks, but floods, disease, famines, genocide, and every other conceivable kind of disaster dominate the news cycle. The world is effectively on fire.
The truth John MacArthur lays out in this sermon is both critical and comprehensive, providing a valuable examination of the Islamic religion and its connection with global terrorism. Moreover, John equips believers to face any disaster with confidence in our sovereign God, and with clear answers to offer the unbelieving world.
We don’t need to be overwhelmed and overtaken by calamitous events. But we do need to be armed with answers. And in this epic sermon, John MacArthur provides those answers from Scripture, along with a powerful, divine warning to everyone about the ultimate disaster—falling victim to God’s eternal wrath.
The two parts of Dr. MacArthur’s important message can be accessed HERE
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