Drifting to a Shipwreck—or I could have simply titled this post: Beware of so-called Christian agnostics and progressive Christians!
Drifting from Christ
In his Commentary on Hebrews, R. Kent Hughes notes that one of the ancient symbols for the Church is a ship. He says the idea originated from the gospel accounts, specifically in the incident on the Sea of Galilee (Matt 14:22-33; John 6:16-21).
Hughes goes on to discuss the intention of the author of Hebrews. It was to encourage the church and prevent it from a deadly drift. He notes several causes which may lead to it. And writes,
A slow drift, given enough time, will carry you to another continent and its dark uncharted waters. (Page 49)
The point is that we must not drift away from the truth of Christ. Peter began to sink when he took his eyes off Christ and was afraid.
Eyes on the real Jesus Christ
But which Jesus are we to follow? In the week of writing this column, the social-media Twitter was awash with responding to comments by a well-known progressive Christian (Brandan). When you add the word “Christian” to your profession, it suggests a religiosity of sorts—a nod to Jesus Christ.
Brandan has his own website and touts himself as “spreading the good word of an inclusive modern gospel.” He is “…a noted author, activist, and public theologian working at the intersections of spirituality, sexuality, and social renewal. He currently serves as the Pastor of Metanoia Church.”
I checked his blog. While he claims to have been a passionate follower of Jesus and devoted to the Christian Faith for most of his life, he now identifies as a Christian Agnostic,
While I cannot know if Jesus was the incarnation of God with any degree of certainty, I can know that when people seek to follow his teachings and example, their lives get better as does the world around them. I am committed to Jesus and his teachings. I love teaching others about Jesus.
He ends his article by asking: “Will you join me?”
Do not join him! He is a shipwreck who follows a fake Jesus. His Jesus did not die for our sins, and is not God. I suggest that the reason Brandan takes this position is that he has personal sin he wants to protect. One day he may identify as an atheist.
The real Jesus
Anyone who is really committed to Christ and His teachings will listen to what He taught as recorded in the Bible. After all, that’s where we get everything we know about Him.
In A Peculiar Glory, John Piper notes a discussion Jesus had with the Sadducees:
Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?” (Mark 12:24).
Piper goes on to write that,
The Scriptures are meant to protect people. Truth leads to freedom (John 8:32), and error leads to bondage (2 Tim. 2:25-26). Truth enlightens (Ps. 43:3; Eph 5:9); error deceives (Prov. 12:17; 2 Cor. 11:13). Truth gives life (1 John 5:20); error brings death (2 Sam. 6:7). Therefore, God is concerned not only for his own glory in being a god of truth (Rom 3:7); he is concerned also for us when he guards his word from error. (Page 104)
Run from anyone who identifies as progressive or agnostic. They do not believe God’s Word and are not Christians. Let us set our compass points on the Jesus of Scripture only.
Further reading
Where is Progressive Christianity Progressing?
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