Did you hear the fantastic news? Everybody loves Israel. The Jews are the darlings of the world. Benjamin Netanyahu has been nominated for the next Nobel Peace Prize. He informed the media press that he was embarrassed by all the attention. No, really!
Oh…and did I tell you that I was a six-foot-five blonde Norwegian movie star?
As you may be aware, the British Labour Party and the Oxford University Labour Club have had to respond to a string of anti-Semitic comments made by its members. In fact even before Jeremy Corbyn became the party leader, his defense of certain individuals drew unwelcome attention.
Labour party member Ken Livingstone was recently interviewed by the media over party member statements about Jews and Zionism. The interview was labeled a “car crash.” I’d call it a Monty Python revealing moment. The more Livingstone was asked to defend careless remarks by his comrades, and the more he denied anti-Semitism, the deeper a hole he dug himself into.
According to Livingstone:
A real anti-Semite doesn’t just hate the Jews in Israel, they hate their Jewish neighbor in Golders Green, or in Stoke Newington – it’s a physical loathing.
Well that didn’t come out quite right. On Hitler and the Jews he claimed that: “…There were private meetings between the Zionist movement and Hitler’s government that were kept confidential.”
It soon became apparent to many observers that Livingstone was part of the problem. Media pressure forced Corbyn to order an independent investigation. Livingstone and several party members were consequently suspended.
The World Socialist Web Site immediately called it a “Witch Hunt.” They called Livingstone’s suspension an outrageous violation of democratic rights and another capitulation by the Corbyn leadership to “reactionary political forces.” I’m guessing these “forces” probably means the Jewish lobby. What does this suggest about the Left?
Following the suspension, Labour member, Seema Malhotra, triumphantly declared:
This is a defining moment and it is right that the Labour Party acted swiftly in suspending Ken Livingstone. Anti-Semitism is racism. We know this is not an issue for one political party alone. [Indeed] But Labour can and must take a lead in seeking to stamp out rising levels of racism in all its forms. Equality is what we stand for…
In fact Livingstone had to be thrown under the bus because he became a liability. The party was forced to circle the wagons. Yet Seema Malhotra and Jeremy Corbyn are part of an endemic problem within the party. During the last Gazan conflict Malhotra demanded UK action on Israel on her website:
….Israel has gone beyond what is proportionate, and that the ordinary people of Gaza are being punished for the actions of a few. The situation in Gaza now is simply intolerable; we cannot and should not tolerate it.
Her page provided a link to a petition which condemned Hamas’ rocket fire and the killing and kidnapping of teenagers. It was an obligatory token gesture. The only purpose of the petition was to stop Israel. One should ask Malhotra why she hadn’t raised a warning about Hamas’ rockets long before Israel’s retaliation. In fact she condemned the violence “on both sides” only after her constituents complained about Israel.
Even as I write, London is set to elect a Labour Party member as its Mayor. It isn’t that Sadiq Khan is a Muslim that’s the issue – it’s his defense of Islamists and the 9/11 terrorists. This Party seems to be irreparably infested.
But the British Labour party debacle is symptomatic of the global malignant tumor which has infected us for centuries. The world has always imposed itself upon the Jews and Israel in ways no other nation or peoples have had to endure. One way we’ve seen this work out is in the perpetual badgering of Israel to embrace enemies which refuse to recognize its legitimate presence in the land.
Also, as Olivier Melnick has just shown, UNESCO has a reputation for revisionism regarding holy sites in Israel. More recently it declared that the “Temple Mount, the holiest of Jewish sites had no Jewish connection.” I guess they’ve paid no attention to archeology, history, and certainly not the Bible. Neither would it dare make similar assertion about other nations.
Then there was the recent proposed Syrian-Golan deal. Plans were allegedly considered by the US, Russia and other world powers to give the Golan Heights to Syria as a negotiation point. The Golan was captured in 1967 when Israel was attacked. It forms part of their strategic defense. When was Israel going to be consulted – before or after the deal? How would Turkey respond to “world powers” making a deal with Greece (behind Turkey’s back) about Cyprus?
These are a handful of examples of the bizarre ways Israel is treated in comparison to other nations. Those interested in this phenomenon may also read the following articles:
Seth Frantzman’s Endemic Hatred of Jews, Stephen Pollard’s The Left’s hatred of Jews Chills Me, and Daniel Swindel’s article on the University of Missouri.
Seth Frantzman observes:
There is no country in the world subjected to the kind of zealous hatred as Israel is in these European circles. Syria’s Bashar al-Assad has sent 11 million people into refugee life, and slaughtered hundreds of thousands, but no European politician suggests dismantling Syria and “transferring” Syria to America, as one European politician suggested be done with Israel.
Many have vocalized repulsion of the presence of a Jewish State. Many have even suggested it was a mistake to allow Jews back into Palestine. Yet they all deny anti-Semitism.
What do you think is going on here?
Nevertheless, God says:
And it shall come to pass That just as you were a curse among the nations, O house of Judah and house of Israel, So I will save you, and you shall be a blessing. Do not fear, Let your hands be strong. Zec 8:13
The nations also will know that I, the LORD, sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst forevermore. Ezek 37:28
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