From the Friends of Israel: Dangers of Replacement Theology. Here are three important articles from FOI’s Paul Scharf discussing the dangers of replacing Israel with the church.
Anti-Semitism has always existed to varying degrees. Tragically, the church’s attitude has sometimes contributed to it, indirectly and directly. Regarding the latter, as an example, I suggest that the likes of Stephen Sizer (and others) have fomented hatred against modern Israel through their one-sided activism.
FOI Part 1
As Bible-believing Christians, we must maintain a keen focus on the importance of Israel—from its biblical past, through its strategic present, to its prophetic future.
And, indeed, we must always remember that God still has a future for Israel! Proclaiming this truth – and acting on it – is the very reason The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry came into existence almost 83 years ago.
The tendency to replace Israel – counting the church as the new Israel or the spiritual Israel, or otherwise taking the concept of Israel (the people, the nation or the land) in some non-literal sense – is a trend that is growing rapidly in our time. But it is not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination.
Proponents of this form of interpretation can, in fact, reference a vast web of theologians and statements which span much of the history of the church—going back near its beginning—as support for their view.
However, the fact that there is such a body of evidence also allows us to test the results of this strain of doctrine….keep reading
FOI Part 2
Someone might, first of all, be wondering whether Replacement Theology is really an issue deserving of this much of our time. The answer is that, indeed, it is.
As Replacement Theology is once again growing steadily in the churches of our day, we might wish that it were simply an aberrant concept – a recognizably false teaching that was of recent origin, and easily dismissed as having a limited influence…keep reading
FOI Part 3
In this series we have learned how it is always dangerous to replace Israel.
Replacing Israel occurs when one interprets the word Israel in the text of Scripture to mean the church or all believers – understanding them to be the new Israel or the spiritual Israel. It is taking the concept of Israel (the people, the nation, or the land) in a non-literal sense…keep reading
Further reading:
Learning About Evangelical Zionism
We also highly recommend Paul Henebury’s new (First!) book – The Words of the Covenant. Much of his covenant work demonstrates the problems of Supercessionism in its many forms.
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