From Day to Day by Robert Macdonald: a review. This Hardcover devotional is published by Banner of Truth (542 pages), and subtitled: “Helpful Words for the Christian Life.”
On the Banner website, you can go to the right side of the panel and click on LOOK INSIDE to get a glimpse of the devotional and view the Contents. There is also a recommendation by Andrew Bonar:
‘My dear Robert, From Day to Day is a book of most pleasant and profitable reading. It is 365 meditations – as many as Samuel Rutherford’s Letters – as many as Enoch’s years of earthly pilgrimage and walking with God. There is a clearness and pointedness in your style of writing that at once attracts the reader, and, dipping his rod in the honey, he finds his eyes enlightened.’
The Bonar endorsement means a lot. His daughter’s biography of her father “Diary and Life” ministered to me, and drew me further into the tradition of the old Puritans. That was a good thing.
I have several devotionals on my shelves. Each minister to me in slightly different yet similar ways and I switch them around. When I saw “From Day to Day by Robert Macdonald” in our church bookstore, I was tempted to buy it; but resisted given I own so many. Did I really need another one?
Nevertheless I went back to read snippets, discovering that Bonar’s glowing recommendation wasn’t simply motivated by friendship; this devotional is full of pastoral insights, personal anecdotes, and very comforting to aching souls. Macdonald is like a spiritual father who understands the Christian struggle.
Each day’s devotion can be read in five minutes, and at the end he gives two to three Scripture verses for the reader to contemplate. The book is also interspersed with verses from poems. For example:
O Jesus! Friend unfailing,
How dear art thou to me!
Are cares or fears assailing?
I find my strength in thee.
Why should my feet grow weary
Of this my pilgrim’s way?
Rough though the path and dreary,
It ends in perfect day.
Macdonald does not attribute their authorship, some might be his own. Either way, along with the end Bible verses; they enhance the devotional aspect of the reading.
Do go to Banner of Truth and look at the Daily topics in the Content section. If you need comfort, guidance and encouragement, this devotional is bound to go a long way in helping.
You laid them down to sleep,
But not in hope forlorn;
You laid them but to ripen there,
Till the last glorious morn.
From Day to Day by Robert Macdonald !
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From Day to Day by Robert Macdonald
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