Future Israel Ministries is the result of a widespread response to a book published in 2007 by Dr. Barry Horner titled Future Israel. There has been overwhelming encouragement in this regard from both Jewish and Gentile Christians, along with some vigorous disagreement. This has brought to the fore the need of a forum where Christian Judeo-centric theology confronts a resurgent anti-Judaic Augustinian eschatology, more commonly known as supercessionism…keep reading
I was fortunate enough to come across Barry Horner’s book Future Israel a few years ago. At the time I already had books which critiqued Replacement Theology in its various forms. I’ve since collected more books and articles. But Horner’s book and his most recent one, Eternal Israel: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies that Uphold the Eternal, Distinctive Destiny of Israel, have a special place in my heart. His love for Christ, the Jews and Israel shines clearly.
This isn’t intended to be a review of Horner’s works, though I highly recommend them. But we wanted to give a shout-out to his ministry as I suspect many haven’t heard of it. You’ll find many interactions with the different forms of Replacement Theology on his website, and much more.
From the book, Future Israel:
“…it must be borne in mind that the Lord Jesus Christ remains the quintessential Jew. We would even dare to say that He has lost none of His essential Jewishness.” ~ Barry Horner (Future Israel xvii)
Aside from Horner’s dedication to Israel, he also is an expert on John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. To that end he has another website Bunyan Ministries. Here’s an intro:
“Well then sinner, what sayest thou? Where is thy heart? Wilt thou run? Art thou resolved to strip? Get into the way; run apace and hold out to the end; and the Lord give thee a prosperous journey. Farewell,” John Bunyan
John Bunyan (1628-88) was arguably one of the most influential writers in human history. Consider the fact that after the undoubted supremacy in circulation of the English Bible, Bunyan’s classic allegory The Pilgrim’s Progress, has commonly ranked second. This has led it to be called “the second best book in all the world.”
Even secular critics have agreed that this uneducated mender of pots and pans was a writer of uncommon genius. Raised during the turbulent seventeenth century in England, following conversion from an unsavory past, Bunyan began to preach and receive a welcome hearing. His first venture at writing at this time was a vigorous response to Quaker doctrine. Staunchly nonconformist, he was imprisoned for 12 years in the Bedford County jail for refusing to remain silent…keep reading
Drop in and take a look around at Barry Horner’s two websites. It will be profitable and you will be blessed.
Future Israel Ministries
Purchase Future Israel and Eternal Israel !
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Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must Be Challenged (New American Commentary Studies in Bible and Theology)
Eternal Israel: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies that Uphold the Eternal, Distinctive Destiny of Israel
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