Game of Gods is the title of an important book by Carl Teichrib. The principle of Oneness is a concept you will encounter everywhere you look, once you know how to look. The title of Teichrib’s book and Oneness are inextricably connected.
When I left the New Age, I figured I’d finally said adieu. As a New Age spiritual seeker, I felt like an outsider to the world at large – a fringe dweller. After becoming a Christian I thought the “New Age” would remain fringe. I was wrong. It morphed and expanded its territory into churches and the secular world.
I use the term “New Age” loosely, as a force of habit and for convenience. However it’s not an accurate way to describe the system. It’s Old Age Paganism, originating in Eden. The Serpent promised Adam and Even that they would be as gods. The lie has continued.
The pagan materials I came across affirmed the same things in various guises. Everything is One (we and the universe); all religions are valid (logically impossible and dishonest); Jesus wasn’t uniquely God because we are all gods. Hence, Game of gods (small g)!
In Chapter One (Visions of One), Teichrib sets the pace by citing Desmond Berghofer and Neale Donald Walsch. The latter wrote, “…you will one day melt into the Oneness.” It’s all in that statement.
Given my background I found myself constantly nodding agreement as I read through the chapters. Incidentally, I bought the Kindle version in order to search through it for research purposes. I’ll eventually get a print copy. It isn’t my intention to do a formal review in this column. However, I endorse it.
You can read a great review HERE
Please note that I don’t go in for fantastic conspiracy theories. Game of Gods resonated with past experiences and with a significant sum of data I’ve collected since then. Carl’s book is a product of years of on-the-field research. He discusses the kind of (often very influential) people who participate in global networking events such as the Burning Man Festivals; what happens there, and their concerns about global and spiritual issues. Some are seekers; others seek to be game-changers. You might even say they want to “force change.”
Where the old “New Age” was generally seen as fringe, one now finds Google executives looking on these Burning Man Festival events in a favorable light. Even some Catholics have embraced the concept.
Interestingly, soon after I left the “New Age” I came across Dr. Peter Jones. Unfortunately, I was so engrossed by my interest in eschatology that I failed to give Jones the attention he deserved. I mention him now because he is relevant to what I’m trying to awkwardly convey. Most importantly, Peter Jones and Carl Teichrib are sounding the same alarm bells.
I mentioned Oneness earlier. Another word for it – coined by Dr. Peter Jones – is “Oneism.” The opposite of that is “Twoism.” From Jones’ website:
A) Twoism: All Is Two. We worship and serve the eternal, personal Creator of all things. God alone is divine and is distinct from His creation, yet through His Son, Jesus, He is in loving communion with it.
B) Oneism: All Is One. We worship and serve creation as divine. All distinctions must be eliminated and, through “enlightenment,” we discover that we also are divine.
I remind readers (again) that professing Christian writers opened the “New Age” gates for me. To that end I invite people to read at least two of Jones’ articles…
The first one discusses the pervading Neo Paganism in the culture and in the church. It argues that the revolution is just beginning and asks, “Whatever happened to the New Age?” The second article examines what the Christian response should be.
Christians are often unaware of the Hindu elephant in the room. Indeed, some are baptizing Eastern Vedantic spirituality as thoroughly Christian, even as it eviscerates Western Christendom of its essential understanding of God. Modern Christians make the mistake of thinking that modern culture is, at worst, neutral and, at best, the work of the Spirit that will bring in the coming of the kingdom. ~ Dr. Peter Jones
There’s much more to say. But it’s best you do your own homework – go to the primary sources. Ligonier Ministries has provided a series of YouTube lectures by Dr. Jones. He is self-effacing, has a sense of humor and knows his stuff.
I also need to say how impressed I am by Carl Teichrib’s humble love and respect for the unsaved. It comes across strongly in Game of Gods and in his presentations. This is an area I need to work on. Notably, Teichrib points out that Christians ought to not feel threatened by these issues. After all, we know how it all ends.
Finally, the principle of Oneness (Oneism) is dishonoring to our Holy God. So is the inordinate focus on creation. The idea that we are gods, and/or that all is God, is blasphemous. It is anti-Christ at the core (1 John 2:22-23). The unsaved have an excuse, professing Christian churches don’t.
Even creation praises God. According to the Psalmist:
Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; Let the sea roar, and all its fullness; let the field be joyful, and all that is in it. Then all the trees of the woods will rejoice before the LORD. For He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth. He shall judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with His truth. Psalm 96:11-13
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