What do God and the Bible say about LGBTQ issues? How do some Christians who have come out of a homosexual lifestyle identify themselves? How do they understand the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality and what challenges are they confronted with after having left their previous lifestyles? In what ways do they change and what do their families and fellow Christians expect from them?
Some self-identifying Christians such as Matthew Vines and, increasingly, more churches, are condoning homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The ELCA is one self-professing Christian organization which for many years has pioneered the way for acceptance of LGBTQ issues, feminism and same-sex marriage. For example, Lutheran theologian Barbara Rossing thinks fundamentalists obsess too much over things like:
…war and peace, creationism versus evolution, slavery, economic issues such as usury or wealth and poverty, interfaith issues of Jews and Muslims, social issues such as roles of women, divorce, or homosexuality.
Does the ELCA rely on God and the Bible in formulating its understanding of LGBTQ issues? It does not appear to. Do all former practicing homosexual Christians agree with it?
Michael Easley inContext recently hosted an interview which discussed all these questions and more. The participants were Christopher Yuan, Matt Moore and David Fowler. It is highly recommended viewing because these issues will eventually affect all Christians.
What, precisely, does the Scripture teach regarding God’s design for sexuality, identity, and relationships? Our hermeneutic – the way we study and understand the Bible – provides a critical foundation for why we believe what we believe about anything. (i.e., it is critical to understand our epistemology.) How we come to know something, before we run to meaning. Simply: how do we get to the conclusion of what Scripture teaches, not only about our sexuality, but our sin condition, salvation, sanctification, justification and our relationship with God and others? ~ Michael Easley
We thought we would add the following link to Lutheran Pastor Tom Brock’s website. Read his personal details and then listen to his struggles with the ever growing apostasy within the ELCA. This is a man who has denied himself for our Lord. Please keep him in your prayers.
Tom Brock – The Pastor’s Study
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