Following below is a link to a 2008 article by John MacArthur God’s Word on Homosexuality. How does God see homosexuality?
This post comes three days after the SCOTUS sanctioned same-sex marriage.
It wasn’t too long ago that such an event would have shocked American culture. The many people who celebrated along with the White House would say that “Love Wins” and that we are now a much more enlightened society. From the secular viewpoint which rejects God’s word to begin with, one can understand that this thinking fits the tolerance narrative which is currently in vogue. Embracing these practices, previously thought to be taboo, opens the gateway for further acceptance of conduct we might currently find abhorrent. Of course, the skeptical secularist would strongly disagree and this is a subject for a different time.
However, professing Christians should be in no doubt as to what God thinks about homosexuality. Christians who celebrated the SCOTUS decision on same-sex marriage must ask themselves who they serve, God or this world.
Excerpt to John MacArthur’s (PDF) article:
Through following a distorted meaning of “love,” some in the present day have condoned homosexual practice, without realizing that biblical love excludes homosexuality because of its sinfulness. Christians can best share the gospel with homosexuals by calling their lifestyle what the Bible calls it—sin. Genesis 1–2, Matthew 19, and Ephesians 5 describe clearly the way that God has instituted marriage as a monogamous, heterosexual relationship. Genesis 19, Jude 7, and 2 Peter 2 illustrate how the Fall almost immediately eroded the purity of human sexuality, including a devastation of the divine institution of marriage. Leviticus 18 and 20 and Romans 1 lay out very plainly God’s instructions about how repulsive homosexuality is in God’s sight. Yet Isaiah 56 and 1 Corinthians 6 make plain God’s plan for homosexuals to find freedom and forgiveness through a life-changing faith in Jesus Christ. The door is wide open for homosexuals and lesbians to accept God’s invitation…keep reading
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