It’s easy for us to get caught up in anger and frustration after the last shooting tragedy. Whenever an event such as this occurs, the government moves quickly to push the gun-control narrative, or to obfuscate the nature of the tragedy. The following article may not be popular among those of us who are just as quick to defend gun rights. But we think it needs to be read. As you read the following article, ask yourself what the most important thing is:
Hey Christian! Please stop talking about gun-control, just for a second, and think.
At least fourteen people were shot in San Bernardino, Ca. and Terrorism has not been ruled out.
If your first thought in reading that first line is something like,
“Ha! So much for strict gun control laws! or “I thought California was a liberal state!”
then I just have one request. I beg you: Please don’t talk to anyone! don’t update your status on Facebook. Don’t talk to anyone at work. I don’t care what you have to do, whether it’s take a cold shower, turn off your internet, go on vacation, or whatever it is, please don’t say a word.
14 people just died, and if they didn’t know Christ they are suffering divine judgment in hell.
Do you realize that? Do you believe that? Sometimes I wonder whether Christians truly believe in hell. It’s so important to train our minds to think eternally!
I understand the frustration. So many liberals are so extreme, they will jump on the chance to blame guns for this issue, yet again. The president will probably use this opportunity to preach his anti-gun sermon again. But we must resist the temptation; we must be patient. Our first thought when someone dies should not be, “Wow, I wish this life would be a little better,” or “Wow, I wish people that disagree with me would have views that aligned more with my worldview.” Rather, our thoughts should be with the fact that so many people, who were minding their own business, just got shot, stood before the Judge of all the earth, and are literally in heaven or hell as you read this.
And I get it: not everything we do in this life can have eternal consequences. When I eat a cheeseburger, brush my teeth, do well at my job, or sleep, I’m probably not making an eternal impact. But I can do all those things to the glory of God. Yet I doubt posting sarcastic statements about Democrats on Facebook 30 minutes after a massacre is glorifying to your King. There is a time and place to talk about politics. But I think it’s clear from scripture that God is most glorified when we think eternally. When we stop making such a big deal of this life and start thinking more about heaven. We must resist the temptation to return evil with evil.
The headline on the New York Daily News was God isn’t fixing this. They jumped on the opportunity to…[ Continue Reading – it gets even better! ]
SOURCE: The Cripplegate
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