This is a review of the book Has The Church Replaced Israel? – A Theological Evaluation, written by Dr. Michael J. Vlach.
The majority of churches today teach some sort of Replacement Theology or Supersessionism. This is the doctrine that the church is the “New Spiritual Israel.” There are variations of Supersessionism and many do not like the term Replacement Theology. Instead, they claim to believe in Fulfillment Theology. They say that Israel was a picture of the true people of God, which the church fulfills (pp 9-10).
The doctrine of Replacement Theology (or Supersessionism) is important as it affects how we understand vast portions of Scripture encompassing the Old and New Testaments, especially the prophetic texts. It often impacts on how some churches relate to the Jews and national Israel. Many prophetic passages address God’s intention to redeem national Israel and place in the land we commonly refer to as “Palestine.”
How should we understand these texts in light of what is happening with Israel today? Does the New Testament really re-interpret the Old Testament so that we can disregard these passages dealing with Future Israel? These are the types of questions Dr. Vlach explores.
Dr. Vlach is currently Associate Professor of Theology at The Master’s Seminary. You can read his Bio HERE
The 224 page book has 16 chapters which are divided into 4 sections:
Part 1: Introduction to Supersessionism
Vlach introduces the subject of supersessionism, its variations and how the doctrine affects the future of Israel.
Part 2: Supersessionism in Church History
Dr. Vlach notes the factors which led to Supersessionism and then reviews its presence in the church from the patristic era down to the modern era.
Part 3: Supersessionism and Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics essentially relates to how we interpret Scripture, especially prophetic or “apocalyptic” passages. Here Vlach discusses and evaluates the hermeneutics used by Supersessionists. He then introduces the hermeneutics of Non-Supersessionism.
Part 4: Supersessionism and Theological Arguments
For me this was the meat of the book and the section I was most passionate about. Supersessionists have a string of theological objections which they raise against a prophetic future restoration of Israel. They will typically argue that the NT re-interprets the OT and that the apostles demonstrate this in certain verses. Vlach notes most of these and evaluates the arguments. He then outlines God’s plan for the nations and makes his case for the future restoration (redemption) of national Israel.
Even given the passionate nature of the topic, the tone of the book is irenic throughout. Michael Vlach is always gracious with those he disagrees with. If I could have only one book on this subject it would be this one.
Has The Church Replaced Israel? is highly recommended reading.
Purchase Michael J. Vlach’s Has The Church Replaced Israel?
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