Given the state of this world, how would John Knox Pray today? Roman Catholic Queen Mary feared his prayers. Knox was a mighty pray-er!
In the book “Taking Hold of God” Brain G. Najapfour writes,
On one occasion Know prayed, ‘Give me Scotland or I die,’ and the queen said: ‘I fear the prayer of John Knox more than the combined armies [of Europe]. (Citing Bissell—Introduction to The Presbyterian Pulpit)
John Knox loved his country and church enough to pray against a hostile monarch. Najapfour notes that he was anticipating possible persecution at the hands of the queen’s decrees (page 53). By 1554 all Protestants were accused of heresy. Knox exhorted his readers to: “seriously pray for the protection of the persecuted as well as the conversion of the persecutors.”
Knox’s prayer
Behold our trouble and apparent destruction, and stay the sword of thy vengeance before it devours us. Place above us, O Lord, for thy great mercy’s sake, such a head, with such rulers and magistrates as feareth thy name, and willeth the glory of Christ to be spread. Take nor from us the light of they evangel [gospel], and suffer thou no Papistry to prevail in this realm. Illuminate the heart of our sovereign lady Queen Mary, with permanent gifts of thy Holy Ghost; and inflame the hearts of her council with thy true fear and love. Repress thou the pride of those that would rebel; and remove from all hearts the contempt of the word. Let not our enemies rejoice at our destruction, but look to the honour of thy own name, O Lord; and let thy gospel be preached with boldness in this realm…Mitigate the hearts of those that persecute us; and let us not faint under the cross of our Saviour, but assist us with the Holy Ghost, even to the end. ~ John Knox
See also Knox’s Treatise on Prayer.
A few thoughts
At time of writing, I’m living in the United States. I regard the current administration and various social influencers as contra Biblical Christianity. Many may profess Christianity, yet advocate for abortion and sanction (even extol) homosexuality, among other things. And so we see church splits over doctrine, and the demonizing of those who uphold a biblical view of sin counter to cultural whims
The modern situation may be different in many ways to Knox’s days, but the same principles apply: pride and rebellion against God. I think of he were on the earth today, his prayer would retain the above structure.
Some might conceivably argue that the prophet Daniel prayed differently to Knox. I don’t have any special insight into this other than to point out that he prayed in the knowledge that Israel was experiencing God’s judgment in Babylon. But he did not sin against God in his subjection to the monarchy.
Our modern situation is different in the sense that Americans vote for leaders and have their opinions heard—for the moment. Daniel would have given a nod to Knox’s prayer.
Further reading
Do not take the bait (Doug Wilson)