What would a Hybrid Civil War look like? That was the title of an interesting PJ Media piece by Richard Fernandez. It ticked a few boxes for me. Are we in one now?
In a nutshell, Fernandez warns us that:
If a civil war were actually underway it would take the form of hybrid warfare and look much like what can already be observed today. It would explain why, in an era obsessed with safe spaces and tolerance, there is little of either left; why no one is safe from offense, nothing is private; why everything is increasingly criminalized. That context would explain why each new restriction, whether on the use of cash, private transportation, or gun ownership can be perceived as a veiled threat.
Although Fernandez doesn’t mention it, fear about Climate Change is an example. I saw elements of this phenomenon years ago when still living in Australia. New government water restrictions, during another protracted drought, elicited some worrying behavior.
People were subtly encouraged to “dob” in transgressors. In one case, someone’s house was pelted with eggs because his garden looked too green. So while everybody else was taking three-minute-egg-timer showers this person was, presumably, flaunting the law by wasting precious water.
It later emerged that he was cleverly using “bath water” to keep his garden healthy. I wondered just how badly people could behave if influenced by propaganda or a fake crisis. Did we learn anything from the Holocaust?
Perhaps one of Dr Tim Flannery’s books was a catalyst for Aussie Climate Change concern, then fear, and finally activism. In 2006 Flannery cited a US Navy study warning that there wouldn’t be an Arctic ice cap during summer in the next five to fifteen years. There were also dire forecasts made about Australian cities.
Australia has always been a dry-drought-prone Island continent. These problems are exacerbated by the exponential increase in population and an increasingly inadequate infrastructure, rather than man-made Climate Change. Nevertheless, a growing consensus has been that man-made Climate Change deniers are part of the problem which must be addressed.
I’ve previously noted that Social Engineers pushed for liberal (free) sex when I was a teen. A friend made me do a quiz provided by the University he attended. One was introduced to a hypothetical story in which each character behaved badly to varying degrees. You had to rank each character according to moral behavior. If you ranked a sexually promiscuous character highly, you were classified as broad-minded. No one wanted to be narrow-minded, including me.
Through various means and tools Western thinking has been manipulated into a direction. One primary means used by strategists is to remove biblical Christianity as a social influence. Tim LaHaye and David Noebel warned about it years ago in Mind Siege (published in 2000). The blurb at the back of the book states:
Secular Humanism has co-opted the media, re-written American history, subverted traditional values, taken control of many schools, brainwashed our children, muffled our pastors, and, bit by bit, succeeded in outlawing our faith.
Rationalists and Secular Humanists scoffed and chuckled. A lot has changed since 2000. If you pay objective attention, Mind Siege is being vindicated on a daily basis. But no doubt skeptics are still chuckling over their sandwiches. Never mind the real threat The Master’s Seminary was confronted with in 2015!
In 2010 Peter Hitchens (brother of atheist Christopher Hitchens) released his book The Rage Against God. He noted the “accelerating decline of civility in Britain” following his return from abroad in 1995. He noted:
The rapid vanishing of Christianity from public consciousness and life, as the last fully Christian generation ages and disappears, seems to me to be a major part of it. (Page 91)
In 2010 Nancy Pearcey’s book, Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning, was published. During an interview, and following a discussion of an example of media manipulation, Pearcey warned that:
…there is what we might call a “stealth” secularism that permeates society through images and stories that bypass our critical grid, override our logic, and hook us emotionally. We can be seduced into a set of ideas, a movement, or a worldview, sometimes without our even knowing it. (Emphasis mine)
The (deliberate?) departure from logic can more recently be seen in expressed disappointment after Jussie Smollett was found to be lying. Some desperately wanted his story to be true and even scrambled to find ways to justify him. The same can be said of the Covington Catholic Boys debacle – social justice champions wanted activist Nathan Phillips to be a victim. They were manufactured victims.
David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda posits that Christianity is under attack in America. Reviewer Mark Tapson writes:
“Since its birth in the fires of the French Revolution,” Horowitz writes, “the political left has been at war with religion, and with the Christian religion in particular.” He knows this from personal experience. As a “red-diaper baby,” he learned early on that his parents and their leftist friends were true believers in a faith, but not one concerned with the fate of souls. The label “progressivism” masked their true religion, which was Communism, and their “cause was the salvation of mankind” – but “they thought of themselves as the redeemers, not God.” (Emphasis mine)
America is a divided nation. My personal take is that we’re well into some sort of Hybrid Civil War where the destruction of biblical Christianity is just one agenda. Christian freedom of expression has enjoyed a reprieve of sorts under the Trump administration. But it won’t last.
From Richard Hernandez’s PJ Media column (linked above):
…the Washington Post article quotes Michael Cohen: “Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power.”
Cohen isn’t alone in this assessment. Whether it’s 2020 or beyond, the leftist progressives will attempt to make up for lost time.
What do these progressives want? They want to control their destinies…and yours too. As Horowitz observes, they consider themselves to be world redeemers. They aspire to global control and they reject God’s laws. Even so-called Progressive Christians work hard to subjugate the Bible in order to protect their autonomies and ideologies.
The root of this madness can be found in Rom 1:18-21. And it began in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:1-5).
The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Gen 3:4-5
Don’t believe the lie.
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