Below are three old hymns for those times of affliction. They are taken from Charles Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book.
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
It seems the older I get the more I see suffering and affliction – not only in my family but all around me. Sometimes the load can be so great that we look up and cry and despair. We know through God’s word that He is always in control. We know that He is good. But often our hearts and emotions get the better of us. The Psalms, and the hymns of saints who went before, can be of great help.
“We’re not doubting that God will do the best for us; we’re wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.” ~ C.S. Lewis
For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Phil 1:21
Regarding the verse above, and the subject matter, do take a look at D. J. Mattson’s testimony at The Master’s Seminary HERE. Video is linked below.
None shall pluck me from Thy hand
CLOUDS and darkness round about Thee
For a season veil Thy face;
Still I trust and cannot doubt Thee;
Jesus! Full of truth and grace,
Resting on Thy words I stand;
None shall pluck me from Thy hand.
Of rebuke me not in anger;
Suffer not my faith to fail;
Let not pain, temptation, languor,
O’er my struggling heart prevail;
Holding fast Thy word I stand;
None shall pluck me from Thy hand.
In my heart Thy words I cherish;
Though unseen Thou still art near;
Since Thy sheep shall never perish,
What have I to do with fear?
Trusting in Thy Word I stand;
None shall pluck me from Thy hand.
Charlotte Elliot
It is I, be not afraid
WHEN waves of trouble round me swell,
My soul is not dismayed;
I hear a voice I know full well –
“Tis I – be not afraid.”
When black threatening skies appear,
And storms my path invade,
Those accents tranquilize each fear;
“Tis I – be not afraid.”
There is a gulf that must be crossed;
Saviour, be near to aid!
Whisper when my frail bark is tossed,
“Tis I – be not afraid.”
There is a dark and fearful vale;
Death hides within its shade;
O say, when flesh and heart shall fail,
“Tis I – be not afraid.”
Charlotte Elliot
Fear not, for I am with thee
INCARNATE God! The soul that knows
Thy name’s mysterious pow’r
Shall dwell in undisturb’d repose
Nor fear the trying hour.
Angels, unseen, attend the saints
And bar them in their arms,
To cheer their spirit when it faints
And guard their life from harms.
The angels’ Lord Himself is nigh
To them that love His name,
Ready to save them when they cry
And put their foes to shame.
Crosses and changes are their lot,
Long as they sojourn here,
But since their Saviour changes not,
What have His saints to fear?
John Newton
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