I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
We’ve all read these words and they’ve been a source of encouragement to many people. From Christians to various self-help gurus, so many have quoted this verse to context to achieving goals. But what did Paul really mean in context with the other verses in the Epistle? Is he saying that we, Christians, can do the impossible if we place our faith in Christ? What does Paul really mean when he says he can do all things through Christ?
The Master’s Seminary’s Nathan Busenitz addresses these questions and sets some things straight.
In today’s post, I would like to briefly consider one of the most well-known and often-quoted verses in the New Testament. In fact, it is one of the most popular verses in American evangelical culture today.
It has been printed on posters and inspirational wall art. A quick internet search reveals that you can buy key chains, rings, buttons, t-shirts, stickers, postcards, bracelets, handbags, and other Christianized trinkets with the words of this verse emblazoned, embroidered, or embossed upon them. This verse even gained some notoriety among college football fans a couple years ago when a championship quarterback sported the verse on the glare-reducing strips he wore under his eyes…keep reading
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