In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel Centered Life (affiliate link) is written by Pastor Sinclair Ferguson. The book is published by Reformation Trust (Hardcover 243 pages). You can read Ferguson’s Bio HERE.
The author, Sinclair Ferguson, is a systematic theologian with a pastor’s heart. He comes from a Scottish Puritan (Reformed) heritage. While I disagree with his Covenant Theology (and a few other side issues), I’ve come to appreciate his deep Christology and devotion to the Trinity. The following example taken from his Ligonier article Union With God the Trinity is a fine example of this:
Thus, to be united to Christ is to share in a union created by the indwelling of the Spirit of the incarnate Son who Himself is “in” the Father as the Father is “in” Him. Union with Christ means nothing less than fellowship with all three persons of the Trinity. It is not that the divine nature is infused into believers. Our union with Christ is spiritual and personal – effected by the indwelling of the Spirit of the Son of the Father.
Excerpt from the Back Cover of In Christ Alone:
“Like so many things about being a Christian, the secret is having a clear understanding of who Jesus is, what He is like, and what ministry He exercises, and becoming more like Him on a daily basis in all our relationships.”
In the Foreword, Alistair Begg observes that Ferguson’s book is “rich theological content distilled with pastoral care and attention so as to make it accessible to every reader.” I wholeheartedly agree. Ferguson clearly outlines who Christ really is and what He means to Christians. He defends against the Christ of the cults. He demonstrates how salvation can only be attained in Christ; hence the title: In Christ alone. I have several academic books on Christology, yet Ferguson still managed to supply many new nuggets and treasures of information. If you don’t have any other book on Christ or Christology, this is the perfect place to start.
The book is divided into six sections of different main themes. Each section has several short chapters (a total of fifty) devoted to expanding upon these themes.
1) The Word Became Flesh
2) The Heart of the Matter
3) The Spirit of Christ
4) The Privileges of Christ
5) A Life of Wisdom
6) Faithful to the End
In the Conclusion of the book, Ferguson talks about his friend Al Groves, who has gone to be with the Lord. If I may be permitted, I want to reproduce part of it here:
….my longtime friend and colleague Al Groves went to be with Christ. I do not write “to be with Christ” as a euphemism for “death,” a way of saying something I would rather avoid saying. No, Al lived in Christ and with Christ. He has simply continued that life now in a new and more glorious way.
What a wonderful, hopeful truth! You can read the book cover to cover or you can choose a particular topic. Either way, this is a book which every Christian should have on their shelves.
I will return to it often.
Purchase In Christ Alone !
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