Let’s look at the verse, Isaiah 41:10, and then see how the preceding verses intensify the point of the verse. There are two commands in the verse not to fear and five pillars of fearlessness. “Fear not” is the first command at the beginning of the verse. And then the second is “do not anxiously look about you”.
As always in the Bible, there are reasons for the commands. Commands don’t hang in the air with no basis in reality. If God commands us to do something, there are good reasons to do it. And power comes from understanding and believing those reasons.
Five Pillars of Fearlessness
Here there are the five reasons:
- “For I am with you” — “Do not fear, for I am with you.”
- “I am your God” — “Do not look anxiously about you, for I am your God.”
- “I will strengthen you.”
- “Surely I will help you.”
- “Surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Restated, the five pillars of fearlessness are:
- God is with me;
- God is my God;
- God will strengthen me;
- God will help me;
- God will uphold me.
When God calls you to be free from fear as you do evangelism, as you take a test, as you face an interview, as you take a stand against an unjust business practice, as you confront someone with sin in their life, when you leave a secure position and take a risk in a new venture, when you face an operation or a treatment, when you lose a spouse or a friend — when God calls you to be free from fear (to overcome this natural emotion and have peace), he does not leave the command hanging in the air. He puts pillars under it. Five of them. That’s the nature of all biblical commands. They come with divine support.
- Fear not, God is with you;
- Fear not, God is your God;
- Fear not, God will strengthen you;
- Fear not, God will help you;
- Fear not, God will uphold you.
The Key to Overcoming Fear
The key to overcoming fear is resting on the pillars of the promises of God. We’ll come back to these pillars in a moment. Look with me for a minute at the verses leading up to verse 10 to see how they intensify these promises and strengthen these pillars.
If the key to fearlessness is believing that God is your God and is with you and will strengthen you and help you and uphold you, then knowing the greatness of this God will intensify your faith and your fearlessness.
Four Glimpses of God’s Greatness
So look at the Glimpses of God’s Greatness that Isaiah gives. Continue reading
Fear Not, I Am with You, I Am Your God
By John Piper. © Desiring God Foundation. Source: desiringGod.org
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