This is a review of Israel in the Plan of God by David Baron. The book was originally published as The History of Israel – It’s Spiritual Significance. It is now published by Kregel in its current title (paperback 320 pages).
David Baron (1855-1926) was born in Russia and raised in a devout Jewish family. He became a follower of Christ through his study of the New Testament. You can read his Bio HERE
… David read the New Testament for the first time. The words exploded at him. Having been brought up to believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a false prophet, here was this man teaching men to do nothing other than worship the One God, the only living and true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel. Of particular impact were the words of Jesus, “…thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.” (Matthew 4:10). The following section, the Sermon on the Mount, simply blew him away. As he continued to read he came to the realisation that “this man spoke as never man spake!” Yet this was the man that the Talmud spoke of as “the greatest sinner in Israel”.
According to the blurb on the back cover, Baron devoted himself to a two-fold ministry: explaining Christianity to the Jews and explaining the Jews to Christianity. This is an important observation. For example Baron’s Jewish perspective avoids the sorts of re-interpretive deductions which reformed (postmillennial and Amillennial) commentators employ in order to satisfy their supersessionist theology. Nor does he resort to rabbinical re-interpretations of Messianic passages.
Baron sees Christ wherever the Old Testament passages allude to Him. However, he finds no need to allegorize Israel’s future promises as fulfilled in Christ or the church. For Baron, the texts concerning national Israel mean what they say – the Covenants of God haven’t changed. There is no need to relegate prophetic verses to types or allegorical interpretations.
The strength of Israel in the Plan of God is that it draws from a number of Old Testament passages which confirm that God hasn’t abandoned Israel because of her sins. One day she will be restored in the land and in favor with God once more. Note that Baron died in 1926. Even though there was some migration of Jews in Palestine in his day, he didn’t personally witness Israel’s reformation into a nation (1948). Baron expected it to occur because he didn’t apply a supersessionist filter to prophecy.
Israel in the Plan of God is divided into four main parts, each with several sub headings. Each section is informed by Old Testament passages which recount important aspects of Israel’s relationship to God:
Part 1) The National Song of Israel: Jehovah’s Dealing With Israel Foretold (Deuteronomy 32)
Part 2) Jehovah’s Marvelous Works For His People (Psalm 105)
Part 3) Israel’s Great Sin And Jehovah’s Super-Abundant Grace (Psalm 106)
Par4) “Look Unto The Rock Whence Ye Were Hewn”; The Grace And Power of God As Manifested In The History Of Israel (Isaiah 51)
Using the Scriptures, David Baron illustrates Israel’s history, warts and all. Israel’s great national sins are laid bare. But Baron also demonstrates how the history of Israel is also a story of the great love and faithfulness of God to His chosen people. It is because of the attributes of God that Israel will one day be brought to redemption as a nation. Moreover, this same faithful love God has for Israel is what should reassure the church.
Israel in the Plan of God is an old book written in the older style of language of the late 19th century. It even uses Roman numerals on occasion. Consequently it is one of those books in danger of being forgotten. Nevertheless it is a wonderful love story of comfort for Israel, and a warning to its enemies. It ought to be read by all who have an interest in God’s eschatological plan of redemption for Israel.
Comfort and warning:
Thus says your Lord, The LORD and your God, Who pleads the cause of His people: “See, I have taken out of your hand The cup of trembling, The dregs of the cup of My fury; You shall no longer drink it. But I will put it into the hand of those who afflict you, Who have said to you,`Lie down, that we may walk over you.’ And you have laid your body like the ground, And as the street, for those who walk over.” Isaiah 51:22-23
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