Jesus Christ is the center of Scripture.
Following is a series of six lectures delivered by Dr. Paul Henebury regarding Christ’s relationship to Scripture. The topics include Interpretation, Creation, the Covenants, the New Covenant and the Consummation of all things. This is what is called Biblical Covenantalism.
One thread that runs throughout the series is whether God really means what He says. Can we trust God when He promises to do something? Can we take Him at His word, or is He disingenuous? This is important as it relates to the subject of Israel and Eschatology (End of Things). Ultimately, how we answer these questions also has broad ramifications to how the church responds to demands which society is imposing upon Christians today.
The videos take time to watch. However, in a day when good teachers of God’s word are becoming harder to find, the effort is well worth it.
You can view the series HERE
Dr. Henebury is the founder and president of Telos Theological Ministries. He also runs a blog under the name Dr. Reluctant. You can find it HERE
One good place to start is his series titled Let God Be True And Say What He Means
It is a common feature of discussions with some fellow believers to hear them say that the New Testament interprets the Old. This maxim, which is almost a cliche in some circles, is seldom explained. It is usually taken for granted. “Surely,” we are told, “you understand how the NT throws light on passages in the OT?” “Surely you see how NT authors point to fulfillments of OT promises?”