Also known as Josh Chavez, Servus Christi attacked Justin Peters (and Phil Johnson) for associating with former New Ager Doreen Virtue. Peters prefers to refer to the name Josh Chavez rather than Servus Christi. The reason becomes clear in the video response.
We briefly mentioned the Christi ministry before. He first came to my attention at a time when people began posting his “discernment” videos on Facebook, and I was seeing the names of good (though imperfect) men being unfairly attacked.
That bothered me. Don’t people ever check the material they post? Aren’t people concerned as to whether they’re playing a part in hurting good (though imperfect) ministries?
Chavez’s ministry is less discernment, and more of a consistent attack on others. I recall when he accused Alistair Begg of preaching “Woke” sermons. The problem is that people like him often attract gullible followers who don’t check his claims. Chavez made that claim at a time when Begg preached exactly the opposite at Parkside Church – which I happen to attend. I noted this and challenged Chavez to provide evidence. Instead, he resorted to the often-used guilt-by-association tactic.
As an ex New Ager, Peters’ response particularly hits home for me. I came across her books though I can’t recall ever buying one. Like Virtue, when I left the New Age, I got rid of all my books. Unlike me, her books had provided income. Her decision to follow Christ resulted in loss of income and her home.
When someone leaves the New Age, there’s a learning-sanctification process. In my case, I had no good church to attend and no good pastors to counsel me. Even the internet is full of bad choices. It was God’s providence which slowly turned my ship around. The same thing happened to Virtue.
One thing Chavez brings up is Virtue’s dream-vision of a questionable Christ. How does Peters respond to that?
While I am a cessationist, I believe God sometimes uses promptings like dreams and visions, especially in cases where people are isolated. That’s only my opinion and where I differ with Justin Peters. Of course, most dreams and visions aren’t from God. We must be very careful to discern the fruit of any alleged dream of Christ. For more on this see Tom Doyle’s book “Dreams and Visions.”
The thing which jumps out at me in watching this response to Servus Christi is how humble Virtue and Peters are. Can the same be said of Josh Chavez?
Here’s Doreen’s Facebook Response
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