Learning about Evangelical Zionism:
In this day and age the word “Zionism” too often has sinister connotations. Thanks to the activism and disinformation of a number of popular Christians and organizations, Zionism has come to be associated with occupation, oppression and human rights violations. Yet aside from these allegations, many evangelicals deny that God has a distinct prophetic plan for Israel. What does the Bible say about Israel’s future?
Perry Trotter of Evangelical Zionism has produced a set of seven videos which go to the heart of some common anti-Zionist claims. The videos are brief, to the point and easy to understand.
An Evangelical Response to Israel’s Evangelical Enemies
Part 1) Evangelicals Changing Sides
Part 2) Christian Anti-Zionists – In Their Own Words
Part 3) Replacement Theology: Time-Honoured Error
Part 4) The Admission: Explicit and Implicit Acknowledgments
Part 5) The Denigration Of The Old Testament
Part 6) The Allegedly Silent New Testament
Part 7) The Ethnically Cleansed Messiah
Note that each video is accompanied by a Script with footnotes. Make sure you read them. Here is a very balanced excerpt from the first one:
The issue of Israel and the Jewish people has long been controversial. In recent years the controversy has reached fever pitch, even in some Christian circles. Increasingly we are hearing anti-Israel charges that employ terms such as colonialism, occupation, apartheid, even genocide – and now those charges are being levelled by some who identify as evangelicals.
And it is not just Israel that is subject to the harsh criticism of Christian anti-Zionists. For centuries there have been Christians who have stood with the Jewish people. They are now being described as dangerous and their views as deviant or heretical.
I am not Jewish. I am a Christian and I will argue in favour of a biblical Zionism.
But before going further, it will be important to state what biblical Zionism is not. It is not a naive, unquestioning, uncritical support for the State of Israel. Israel is a vibrant liberal democracy in an increasingly unstable region – a region being swamped with barbarism. Israel faces enormous challenges and is far from perfect. My own support for Israel may be unconditional but it is certainly not uncritical.
In the fifth video Trotter cites Sabeel’s Naim Ateek’s postmodern view of Scripture:
When confronted with a difficult passage in the Bible or with a perplexing contemporary event, one needs to ask such simple questions as: Does this fit the picture I have of God that Jesus has revealed to me? … If it does, then that passage is valid and authoritative. If not, then I cannot accept its validity or authority.
Please share these videos and Perry Trotter’s website with everyone who loves God’s word and His unchanging promises to Israel. We think Mr. Trotter’s message needs to get out.
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