I believe we’ve been living in a post-Christian world for many years. This isn’t to say that any country was ever rightly classified as “Christian.” What I mean is that the Zeitgeist has shifted.
Whereas, in the past, Christianity to some degree influenced on the culture, the culture is now silencing it. Oh, you might always see a form of Christianity thriving in the public arena. But I suggest that that compromised Christianity is complying with the cultural bullies.
On Bullies (or tyrants)
At the simplest level there are the school bullies who steal your lunch. When they get away with it the first time, they keep coming back. In my experience it wasn’t that they were hungry. The ones I knew were well fed and able to pay for their lunches. They were motivated by power, or greed, or other issues. One hard thing I had to learn was to stand up to them.
Grown-up life is never simple.
Bullies might be male or female, pastors, family members or organizations. They may act alone or in mobs. Mobs can be somewhat disorganized and dangerous or they might be highly organized and dangerous in different ways. The former is represented by rioters. The latter can be tyrannical governments, school and social action groups, or even Social Media techs etc.
This latter example is the most insidious. They’ll either pretend or actually believe they’re acting for a “greater good.” Everything will be fine as long as you never contradict what you’re told to do or how to think. We know what this means, don’t we? If your biblical Christianity goes against the new guidelines, you are an enemy. The Christian will have to decide who to serve.
Fighting back?
We should begin with God’s sovereignty. Psalm 2, Psalm 37 and Psalm 73 remind us that God is always in control. He is the one who sets up governments and takes them down. We know that God always turns evil intentions for good. Things may or may not get worse, but our faith and trust must remain in God.
The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law. Deut 29:29 (See also John 16:33)
Christians can respond to the cultural bullies first and foremost by praying. Here I’m reminded of the great Scottish Puritan John Knox. At one point he said, “Give me Scotland or I die.” Mary Queen of Scots famously responded, “I fear the prayer of John Knox more than the combined armies [of Europe].
Never back down to bullies. Try not to show fear. They thrive on it. We Christians must stand our ground in biblical truth with courage and dignity yet without actively seeking conflict. Remember that unbelievers above all need Christ. We can influence them in our interactions – so think about their eternal destinies. We must also pray for our enemies (Matt 5:44).
On a practical level I found Jon Harris’ interview with Peter Hammond (Marxism in Africa and around the world) worthwhile watching. The world acclaimed Nelson Mandela was a bully. Listen to how Hammond stood up to him and of the consequences. You don’t have to agree with every point to appreciate the overall message.
Finally, if you have time, do read Tom Drion’s blog Three keys to joy in trials. And/or watch his presentation Courage Facing Death.
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