Marianne Williamson’s Miracles..most people know she’s a 2019 Democrat presidential candidate. I wonder how many people know she’s also a leading proponent for the system, A Course in Miracles.
When I was a New Ager everyone was talking about Helen Schucman’s A Course in Miracles. Schucman received it through a process of “inner dictation.” It was a big book which had many spiritual seekers extolling its virtues. I discovered it through overhearing conversations in places like Melbourne’s Theosophical Society bookstore.
GotQuestions provides a neat summary on the background of the book. Most importantly, it notes:
The teachings of the Course – a mixture of the (sic) mysticism, Gnosticism, and New Age psycho-babble – run counter to Christian beliefs. The fundamental teaching of A Course in Miracles is the “atonement principle,” which states that separation from God through sin did not happen. The course further teaches that sin is the absence of love and nothing more. It denies that sin is an act against God. The principal purpose of A Course in Miracles is to “restore to one’s awareness the power of one’s mind to choose.” (Emphasis mine)
I bought the book and was frankly disappointed. The “lessons” were, indeed, a repetitive “psycho-babble.” Even my New Age fuzzy-logic conditioning wasn’t convinced that reciting babbling sentences on a daily basis would ever enlighten or change me. It was essentially a process of New-Thought brainwashing.
Williamson’s targets are, perhaps, the kind of people who self-identify as spiritual seekers but who would likely say they don’t like religion. I take this to mean that they want to grow spiritually (whatever that means) and are seeking meaning, but don’t want to be constrained to rules and regulations.
More often than not – especially in the West – these kinds of materials are packaged with Christian terms, and ACIM is one example. Other examples are Edgar Cayce’s teachings, Paramahansa Yogananda and Neale Donald Walsch. However, these teachings aren’t Christian because they deny essential biblical tenets. These people are pagans.
In an interview with Beliefnet, Williamson was posed a series of questions regarding her beliefs about Jesus. She responded:
Jesus was a human being who while on earth completely self-actualized and fulfilled in all ways the potential glory that lies within us all. He became one with the Essence and Christ Spirit that is in all of us… He was sent down by God – as we all are. We are all extensions of the mind of God. We all contain nuggets of glory…Was Jesus the only Son of God? Hogwash! First of all, I believe we are all Sons of God, and it is our destiny to be as Jesus. (Emphasis mine)
She has taken Helen Schucman’s “inner dictation” as her bible. The source of that dictation is decidedly contra-biblical and anti-Christian. It borrows names and terms and re-deploys them. Like many others, Williamson also draws from pagan mythology. In one lesson she talks about honoring Athena and embracing Aphrodite.
Marianne Williamson is a New Thought change-agent who preaches devotion to Mother Earth and sacred femininity. In his book “Game of Gods“, Carl Teichrib comments on her presentation delivered to the Parliament of Oneness:
“A Divine Goddess is not just beautiful, she’s fierce,” Marianne exhorted with a growl of intensity, leading to an emotionally charged call-to-action. “And when you mess with her babies… and you mess with her earth, she’s had enough of that… The response was electrifying. Someone yelled, “Marianne for President!” (Emphasis mine)
What about Williamson’s politics?
Aside form her beliefs about Mother Earth; Williamson wants to roll back to the Iranian Nuclear deal. She also intends to undo Trump’s decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict:
“I don’t think the ultimate answer will be about settlements or checkpoints,” Williamson told a Jewish news site. “The work of the genuine peace builders must be on the level of the heart.” She added that the U.S. must return to “where it can be considered an honest broker” to play a useful role. (Axios, May 9, 2019) (Emphasis mine)
Her heart comment seems restricted to US policies. One of her best selling books is A Return to Love, which is based on ACIM principles. Would a Williamson presidency see container loads of her love books being donated to the Iranians and Palestinians, to be used in their school curriculums?
It’s a rhetorical question. And good luck with that.
As it stands – unless there’s a radical heart change – a return to the Iranian Nuclear deal and Syrian-Iranian Golan Heights control is also a return to madness. The simple reason is that Israel’s enemies have been clear about seeking its destruction. It’s ironic that chapter 21 of ACIM is titled Reason versus Madness.
Can Williamson one day go all the way to the White House? I doubt it. However, I’ve been wrong so many times before. Recent history suggests we should expect the unexpected.
I mentioned Carl Teichrib’s (recommended-reading) book, Game of Gods earlier. Teichrib has studied the global group think phenomenon for many years. What I’ve seen of his materials so far confirms my own New Age observations. Williamson is just one of many influential individuals (and organizations) who seek to re-shape the world to their way of thinking.
In chapter nine “Circle of Gods” Teichrib cites Maitreya and Richard Cavendish:
When that day comes I shall look upon you all, brothers and sisters, as workers for the Light and engage you in the transforming of our world… Prepare to see yourselves as Gods. ~ Maitreya
The complete man, who has experienced and mastered all things, has vanquished Nature and mounted higher than the heavens. He has reached the centre where man becomes God. The achievement of this is the Great Work. ~ Richard Cavendish.
Despite the proclamation of anti-Christian Gnostics like Williamson, Christ is the only begotten Son of God. It is only through Him that we have eternal life. He is the only way to heaven. Christ will one day return to this earth and every knee will bow to Him.
There is only one God. He is ultimately in control; not group-thinkers seeking god-like status.
Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!” He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. Psalm 2:1-4
Let the sea roar and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, Let the mountains sing together for joy before the LORD, for He is coming to judge the earth; He will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with equity. Psalm 98:7-9
For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Phil 2:9-11
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