More on Covenant Theology and Amillennialism – in a previous column we briefly looked at what dispensationalism really was. It was a response to an article by postmillennialist Keith Mathison which appeared at Ligonier. I pointed to an older article by Michael Vlach and materials from Dr. Reluctant’s blog.
Various responses
Since then others have responded to Covenant Theology and amillennialism. So I wanted to present these materials here.
I found David’s “Concise response to an Amillennialism article” at his testing 5-2-1 blog very useful,
Anthony Charles at thenewgeneva.com released a blog post recently, subtitled, “A Concise Case for Reformed Amillennialism.” It seems like a worthwhile platform for dialogue, so here is a Dispensational Premillennialist’s reaction to the article…continue reading
Jesse Johnson over at Cripple Gate has written three article comparing Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology:
Part one: Covenantalism vs. Dispensationalism – Covenantalism
Part Two: Covenantalism vs. Dispensationalism – Dispensationalism
Part Three: Covenantalism vs. Dispensationalism – Some practical distinctions
Last but certainly not least, keep an eye out for Dr. Reluctant’s forthcoming articles on Covenant Theology. His first installment is called Deciphering Covenant Theology,
This series is bound to annoy covenant theologians who stop by to read it. To them I want to say that my purpose here is certainly not to irritate anyone. If a CT has any problem with what is asserted in these posts he is very welcome to challenge it (giving proof where necessary)…For those readers who want to quick historical intro to CT perhaps my “A Very Brief History of Covenant Theology” will help…
I have been reading covenant theology (CT) for many years; close to thirty. In that time, I have read numerous Systematic Theologies by covenant theologians, including Hodge, Dabney, Bavinck, Frame, Horton, Reymond, as well as expositions of CT by the likes of Warfield, Packer, Horton, Vos, Witsius, Owen, Turretin, and Robertson. I attended a staunchly Reformed CT seminary in England. I went to several churches where CT was preached for extensive periods. By far the majority of books I have read in the last thirty years have been written by covenant theologians. I know covenant theology…continue reading
Part Two HERE
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