Morning and Evening – Charles Spurgeon, is published by Crossway. This edition was revised and updated by Pastor Alistair Begg.
Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.
Isaiah 50:4
My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night.
Psalm 63:5-6
I confess that I’ve not always had a passion for Charles Spurgeon’s writings. Yes, I know almost everyone who is anyone frequently cite portions of his sermons. Years ago I even bought his Daily Devotional – At the Master’s Feet. But it was probably more of an impulse buy. It was what I thought I should be doing rather than doing what I loved to do – if you know what I mean. I was recalcitrant in my devotionals! I performed them sporadically and for long periods, nothing at all. The book tended to collect dust on my work desk for months without being opened.
I had the same distant attitude for the Psalms. It wasn’t so long ago that I’d finished telling someone that I couldn’t get into reading the Psalms. Then about a week went by and I suddenly developed a passion for them. God certainly has a sense of humor. He is also the Ultimate Teacher. I quickly added reading the Psalms to my morning devotionals. Following on from a new found love for the Psalms, I gained an appreciation for Charles Spurgeon’s writings.
When I came across Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening – revised and updated by Alistair Begg, I knew I’d found a treasure. We learn from Begg’s Introduction that he only made minor changes to the material to make it more readable, “without spoiling the splendor of the language.” The ESV translation is used for this devotional. This is where most of these changes may be found.
If I may be permitted to cite a portion of Begg’s Introduction:
Since I did not have the opportunity to ask Spurgeon’s permission [to make adjustments], when I meet him I will seek his forgiveness if in attempting to bring clarity I have clouded the issue. The reader must judge.
Well this reader has judged. I thank the Lord that He has created a passion in me for the Psalms; that He has sent me works such as The Valley of Vision, and that He has inspired Alistair Begg to revise Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening.
Spurgeon’s glorious insights sooth and comfort me. Often they stir a joy and hope of heaven and the resurrection within me. He knew depression and hardship. Above all, he knew his Lord and His Word, and he is able to present them to you.
Whenever I neglect reading Morning and Evening, I find myself slipping into worry and depression. This devotional (along with Bible reading) will help you.
I love this book. If you’re looking for a devotional for yourself, or as a Christmas gift, I highly recommend this one.
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Morning and Evening: A New Edition of the Classic Devotional Based on The Holy Bible
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