My observations regarding Donald Trump (and the election) are just that: not that anyone asked, or cares for that matter. There might be a few instances of indulgence as well.
First impressions
I wasn’t alone in my skepticism when Donald Trump announced he was running for president as a Republican. Some welcomed him as a messiah sent to thwart Hillary Clinton’s march to the White House. He claimed to have changed his mind on abortion. But wasn’t he a narcissistic liberal with a checkered past?
I suspected he might be a Trojan horse sent to castrate an already weak GOP. I abhorred his treatment of Ted Cruz. Many felt he was running, on a whim, for attention – and would soon drop out. It didn’t happen. This left conservatives with three main (real) choices: 1) Don’t vote, 2) Vote for Clinton, 3) Take a chance with Trump.
What Happened?
Trump won the Republican nomination. He ran against poll-favorite Hillary Clinton, and he beat her. There was a flood of tears and meltdowns – not just Hillary Clinton. How could that happen?
When Clinton lost, they (the Deep State?) blamed Russian collusion and/or influence in Social Media, thus interfering with America’s elections. Would these have been the same Russians the Obama Admin cozied up to? Not lost on some of us was that the Obama administration had tried to influence the Israeli elections.
It’s impossible to determine whether Clintonians and Main Stream Media really believed the Russian collusion story. Cognitive Dissonance is a thing. But it fired up the Social Media Technocrats (Google, Twitter, Facebook, and even the Firefox Web Browser folk) to diligently work so no one could ever interfere in US elections again. Their mission was to inform the unenlightened.
My take is that the Technocrats really wanted people to vote Democrat next time.
The Demonization of Donald Trump
Alongside the Russian Thing, the next step was to demonize Trump. The idea was to revisit the sins of his past, label him a racist, misogynist, and worse. “Orange Man = bad.” It wasn’t hard to do. As soon as Trump won, there was news as far away as Australia, that LGBTQ people had committed suicide. It was fake news. But you get the picture.
Note what the Left tried to do to James Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.
The racist label reminds me of the conservative Tea Party syndrome. Its rallies were peaceful and its members were culturally diverse. Yet it was accused of violence and racism. No evidence was produced. TP organizers even had to be watchful for subversive attempts to undermine their peaceful rallies.
Likewise Trump was consistently asked whether or not he supported White Supremacy. There was no evidence he did. In one instance, he was told he didn’t sound sincere. The racist label was a smear tactic. Sadly, many people went with it.
Hey, have you stopped cheating on your spouse yet? You never have you say? Sorry, you don’t sound sincere to me.
Faith and Family
A president’s family ought to be protected from main-stream media’s petty polemics. Mr Obama’s family was largely protected (and rightly so). Trump’s family had to endure it.
A previous president’s Christian faith wasn’t questioned (at least in polite circles) even though he criticized Christianity while extolling Islam’s virtues. Even while championing abortion and same-sex marriage.
On the other hand, president Trump is a fake-Christian because – misogynist, racist, arrogant, narcissist, whatever. Meanwhile Joe Biden was a nice man. Perhaps it was a dodgy pastors lurking around the White House? Even so, unlike his predecessor, Trump openly proclaimed Christ. This impressed me.
Ah, but wasn’t he just pretending?
That Abortion Voting Thing
I’m going to skip a bunch of other stuff (that Middle East initiative, Iran, North Korea, COVID, jobs, the Wall, immigration, the economy, BLM-Antifa riots etc). I hear a collective sigh of relief (if you’re still paying attention). I’m going straight to that abortion thing.
This is a “huge” pet peeve. And it involves some leading evangelicals who tried to influence voters against Trump, though they’ll deny it. See the links below this post.
The shtick is that Christian conservatives shouldn’t be “single-issue voters.” We were told that there’s no way our voting will overturn Roe v. Wade, anyway. On the other hand, we might vote for another party (the Democrats) who are pro-choice, but have policies which will result in less babies being butchered before they’re born…
Really and truly! Trust us!
Hey, again, before I forget, I must tell you about that nice altruistic Nigerian widow who inherited $20 million bucks. Well, she has cancer and wants to donate most of it to charity. She needs someone to facilitate the process and will give that lucky person (you) millions to help her. All you need to do is open a bank account, put a bunch of money in it and send her the details. You’ll be amply rewarded. Honestly!
The Democrats run on a platform in which abortion is a fundamental woman’s right. Call it “Reproductive Health.” It’s a thing, trust me. They celebrate and want to expand it…and they’ll use your taxpayer dollars to do so. It’s naive (and duplicitous?) to assert that strategic voting will reduce abortions. Human depravity is the ultimate culprit.
Not Just About Abortion (as bad as it is)
For a Christian, there should be a stop-right-there position re abortion and voting. But there’s more baggage to be concerned about.
As apologist James White (and others) notes, the 2020 election involves two opposing worldviews. The New Democrat Leftists are totalitarians. They want to control future elections. They promise to give you what you want (by taking it from others). They’ll tell you what to think, and what you really want. AND, most importantly, they want to shape your children’s minds.
Don’t believe me? Brush up on Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Reparation and Equity (just for starters).
Election Aftermath Debacles
At time of writing the United States is in Limbo. The media thinks Biden-Harris won the election. Notable evangelicals stumbled over themselves to congratulate them. There is increasingly compelling evidence of massive voter fraud. But the Harris-Biden Fan-People won’t hear of it. The Technocrats are working diligently to quash the “fake-news.” It’s for the Greater Good. God love them!
So…the Russian-Collusion was a Real Thing in 2016. 2020 Voter Fraud isn’t. Why? – Because the right Team won this time round. Read the memos.
Donald Trump’s Word
Donald Trump is flawed, just like Biden and Harris, and you and me. Despite these flaws he tried to keep his promises. I began as a never-Trumper. I’ll never be an always-Trumper. Just give the man credit where it’s due.
Trump wasn’t a career politician. He was business man who saw things happening in America which concerned him. When he became president he tried to fix them. In the process, he stepped on many Deep-State toes. For that he has my respect.
God is in Control
God is always in control. He may allow Biden-Harris to make it to the White House. America may fundamentally change. Christians will suffer (not always a bad thing). Or God may decide to help Donald Trump to four more years. We pray for whoever wins. But again, God is in control.
There is one thing for sure – this idolatrous nation is overdue for God’s judgment.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. Rom 8:18-19
Further Resources
Christ’s Call to Reform the Church
When the Wicked Seem to Flourish – Psalm 73
The Great Reset – The Causes of Things
Phil Vischer’s Voting Video etc
A Review of David Platt’s Before You Vote
Election Madness (some sound advice)
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