Rumor has it that when a group of 22 Jewish leaders gathered in the Cabinet Room on President Obama’s birthday, he told them: “It’s my birthday and I’m going to be blunt.” At least one quote has it that Mr. Obama complained:
“…it’s been a really busy day. You’d think they’d be nicer to me on my birthday but it’s a tight schedule and I wanted to make sure we had a few hours to discuss this important issue.”
For some reason I’m reminded of Bilbo Baggins’ going-away Birthday Party in The Lord of the Rings. I can imagine an awkward conversation between Gandalf and Bilbo back at Bag End following Bilbo’s sudden disappearance after his Birthday Party speech. Bilbo’s objection rings clear (no pun intended):
“It’s my 111th birthday, so I don’t see why I should give up my Precious Birthday Present (the Ring).”
We know how the Ring of Power steadily broke down the resistance of its wearer, and can forgive Bilbo’s reluctance to give it up. But I thought it was odd behavior for a president of the United States to reference his birthday while discussing such an important topic. It just didn’t seem presidential. George W. Bush would not have gotten away with saying that it was his birthday; therefore the media should stop giving him a hard time about—- (Fill in the blank).
Mr. Obama was trying to convince the Jewish group that the Iranian Nuclear Deal was a good thing and that no one had come up with a better option. In fact at one point the president claimed that “asymmetrical” war would be the consequence of Congress killing the “Iran Deal.”
The US president also griped that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was the only foreign leader he could recall who has “forcibly interfered in a foreign policy debate in Washington.” Hasn’t he, and just about everyone, else meddled in Israeli policies? Moreover, asymmetrical war is a continuing reality for Israel with Iran financing Hezbollah and Hamas.
Isn’t there something wrong with this entire picture? Why would you trust any entity which consistently employs violence and genocide in its rhetoric against your ally (Israel)? It’s inane to give small hand guns to criminals hoping the deal keeps them from pursuing more advanced weaponry.
Doesn’t all this evoke Neville Chamberlain again? It should. Some people call the comparison unfair because Chamberlain was not in a strong military position. Others note that the Obama Administration has been steadily eroding America’s military advantage. In fact it is conceding its global footprint.
Mark Levin and Iranian expert Dr. Michael Ledeen believe this was Obama’s strategy even before the beginning of his tenure in 2008. According to Ledeen:
“During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies. The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the shah’s rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine. Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.”
Let’s recall those getting-to know-you letters which Obama and Iranian President Rouhani exchanged. Recall also the overture to Islam and Iran in the 2009 Cairo speech. Yet, it isn’t just an old love affair with Islam which shapes Mr. Obama’s decisions – it’s also a history of antipathy towards Israel nurtured at the feet of anti-Semitic Jeremiah Wright.
One might say the Nuclear Deal (ND) was inevitable.
Mr. Obama has his fervent ND support base. David Goldman isn’t one of them. If one cares to dig a little further, one will find that Israel isn’t the only “obstinate” nation which isn’t elated with the N D. Goldman notes:
“Under the P5+1 agreement, the Middle East will become a continuously morphing chessboard, as Iran deploys ever-more-sophisticated missiles with every-more-terrifying payloads, using its pockets of Shi’ite support to base its missiles as far forward as possible against Israel as well as Saudi Arabia. In chess terms, Iran is moving knights to the center of the board. The balance of power between Sunni and Shia envisioned by the United States is an evanescent mirage, as both sides engage in a deadly high-tech chess game to obtain decisive advantage.”
Many in the media give the Iranian Regime the benefit of the doubt. One example of this was when Rouhani was allegedly misquoted by Mr. Netanyahu. ThinkProgress sought to correct the “hawkish” mistake by pointing out that Rouhani said nothing about removing the Israeli wound from the body of the Islamic world. Apparently what he really said was:
“In our region, a sore has been sitting on the body of the Islamic world for many years, in the shadow of the occupation of the holy land of Palestine and the dear Quds. This day is in fact a reminder of the fact that Muslim people will not forget their historic right and will continue to stand against aggression and tyranny.”
There are enough examples of anti-Zionist rhetoric from the Iranian Regime to keep its sanitizing fan base busy for months. It speaks volumes that Iran calls Israel a tyrannical occupier and aggressor and funds its enemies. Rouhani may have been misquoted in one instance, yet his regime’s intentions have always been clear.
Obama was an enemy of Israel long before he was elected. His administration’s small-footprint policies have overseen radical changes in the Middle East, and Russia’s emboldening. Recall when Medvedev was told by Obama that he would have more flexibility after the election. Remember Benghazi?
What concerns me is that Obama was still re-elected.
America’s culture gave rise to President Obama. He was hailed as a messiah. The same culture has given rise to changes in the definition of marriage and further removal of the Christian voice in the public square. It has now become illegal to call homosexuality a sin. Somewhere down the track most Christians will be asked if they embrace same-sex marriage and dealt with accordingly.
Many Americans will be looking to the 2016 elections for someone to turn things around. However it will be that same culture that has embraced same-sex marriage and defends Planned Parenthood which will go to the polls.
The only person able to save this world is Jesus Christ when He returns to the earth. Until then the world will sink further into rebellion. Israel’s enemies will continue to seek to destroy it and Christians will continue to be persecuted.
Those who trust God’s word know how it will all end (Luke 1:33; Rev 11:15).
He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Rev 22:20-21
Further reading:
Iranians shout their genocidal agenda from the rooftops
Psychological ploys of Russian political life
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