OurKids-Uganda is an independent, indigenous organization whose mission is to uplift, empower and support orphans, vulnerable children and widows by meeting their physical, spiritual, social and emotional needs.
OurKids-Uganda is a fully registered Not for Profit Charity Organization and derives it’s support from the invaluable services of volunteers, donations and Christian resources.
These are the services OurKids-Uganda mission provides:
The Children
OurKids-Uganda places great value in looking after children with a variety of urgent needs. The focus is on providing food, medical needs and education. Wherever possible, orphans are placed in homes where fathers and/or mothers can care for them responsibly.
Recovery Club
The children at OurKids-Uganda have come from different walks of life and all are suffering from extreme poverty conditions. Many were abandoned at garbage heaps and many have lost their parents in devastating ways. The Recovery Club is a monthly effort by the Child Welfare Officer to identify trusted social workers to help these children overcome their immense psycho-social problems. The club also acts as an interactive forum for all these children to come together to help each other.
The Widows
OurKids-Uganda provides financial and psycho-social support for widows who often have lost husbands to HIV/AIDS and who have no practical skills to sustain themselves or their children. These women are taught vocational skills such as crafts making and tailoring. PC skills will be added to the program as computers become available.
Rural Health Initiative & HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaigns
The organization’s Mobile Clinic provides medical access to remote rural villages. These services range from general medical requirements to specialized needs such as HIV/AIDS treatment and screenings. The clinic provides and distributes drugs to alleviate pain and to help combat opportunistic infections.
The Mobile Clinic also provides educational support in disease prevention through a variety of mediums, and a sensitization program to confront the stigma of HIV/AIDS. It is always looking for medical volunteers to help with this vital process.
Volunteer Opportunities
OurKids-Uganda has many volunteer opportunities for groups, families, individuals or couples who are interested in working with the thousands of people affected by atrocities and afflicted by diseases such as HIV/AIDS.
The Gospel
The organization also takes the gospel to a selected community on a monthly basis. Rather than large auditoriums and stadiums, the gospel is presented within the backdrop of the community’s facilities. The local missions have been rewarded by the testimonies and it has ignited a passion to broaden the scope further. Bible study groups have been started using Luganda and Lusoga Bibles. Donations of Bibles are always welcome.
Along with financial assistance, some of the most consistent needs are: children’s clothing, shoes, school supplies, bibles and other items helpful in childcare.
Please email Pastor Ivan Baleeta for mailing instructions and for information on current ministry needs at: ourkidsuganda@hotmail.com
To send financial assistance:
Contact Pastor Ivan Baleeta for PayPal Information at: ourkidsuganda@hotmail.com or baleeta@gmail.com
You can donate to their go fund me account:
CLICK HERE for OurKids Uganda Gofundme Account
You can stay up to date with OurKids-Uganda by sending Pastor Ivan a friend request on his Facebook page.
Shanna A., Michigan, USA
When I am able to I am very blessed and honored to give what I can to OurKids-Uganda. This organization is a beautiful ministry that follows after God’s heart to provide and help the orphans and widows. OurKids-Uganda goes beyond helping them materially, but also provides spiritual nourishment and equips the children for the future. I pray that God’s goodness and provisions be multiplied to them so their needs be met and that they know they are cared for.Lisa K., California, USA
I’ve been supporting Ivan Baleeta with OurKids-Uganda for many years. Ivan is a dear man of God & the funds donated to OurKids literally changes the course of their lives.Tiffany W., Missouri, USA
OurKids-Uganda is a necessary ministry making a real eternal difference in so many lives. My family and I have supported them and encouraged others in our community to as well for several years. Their ministries better the lives of those around them and involved with them. They are truly Christian soldiers in the trenches fighting for kingdom souls.Cheryl B., Florida, USA
I have been praying daily and providing financial support, when I am able, to this incredible ministry for several years now. I first learned about OurKids-Uganda when my (then) pastor’s daughter gave a presentation about Pastor Ivan and his passion for helping Orphans and Widows in his native Uganda. Brother Ivan is truly a Soldier in the Armies of the LORD!
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