Are there any connections between Palm Sunday and the prophet Daniel?
In an article for the Dispensational Publishing House, Paul J. Scharf shows us that there is one, and why. Specifically, it is a connection between Palm Sunday and Daniel’s 69th Week.
Scharf first sets the scene up by talking about Jesus’ triumphal entry in Jerusalem. He cites Isaiah 50:7; Matt21:8, 12, 15; Mark 11:8; Luke 9:51 and Luke 19:1. He also cites Psalm 118:25-26. It was a triumphal entry and the people were, at least outwardly, happy.
But it didn’t last. What happened and why did things have to come to pass the way they did? Scharf shows us why. Highly recommended reading!
The real question, then, is this: Why did Jesus accept these praises on Palm Sunday—even knowing that some were insincere and would soon call for Him to be crucified (cf. Luke 23:21)? Previously He had resisted any such attempts “to make Him king” (cf. John 6:15), but now was the time for them to respond and for His praise to be heard. Jesus allowed all of their voices to ring out for His glory. There must have been something very special going on here on this first Palm Sunday.
Luke’s unique material (beginning with Luke 19:39-40 where Jesus explicitly encourages such praise) gives us some clues to understand the profound answer to this question.
Distinct from the other gospel writers, Luke alone provides a prophetic perspective regarding the events of this particular day, and leaves us with the distinct impression that it may hold greater significance than many people realize. Thus, while there are so many details in the gospel narratives of Palm Sunday that one could focus on, our purpose in this article is to look at a specific aspect of this day that is often neglected…keep reading
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