A Prayer For Deliverance From The World. This is a prayer by Philip Doddridge. It appears in the book Piercing Heaven – Prayers of the Puritans.
The beginning of the book has a quote from Puritan Thomas Watson (1620-1686): That prayer is most likely to pierce heaven which first pierces one’s own heart.
The prayers in the book should, and do, pierce the heart. This particular prayer goes straight to my heart. Each paragraph is a separate prayer, not to be read or prayed hurriedly, but slowly meditated on. Yet each thought-prayer combines into a unified whole. I will pray this one often.
The Puritans had their minds on Christ and eternity, not this world. Their feet walked this earth, but their hearts and minds were in heaven. Doddridge was no exception.
A Prayer For Deliverance From The World
Blessed God! In the midst of ten thousand snares and dangers, let me look to you with the humble prayer that you would deliver me from those who rise up against me (Psalm 59:1) and that your eyes are on me for good (Jeremiah 24:6).
When laziness is about to seize me, awaken me from idle dreams with a lively view of that invisible and eternal world to which I am headed!
Remind me how important it is to make the most of the moments you give me – time to prepare for eternity.
When sinners entice me, may I not consent (Proverbs 1:10). May my conversation with you give me a distaste for the conversations of those who are strangers to you – those who want to separate my soul from you.
May I honor those who fear the Lord (Psalm 15:4). And by spending time with wise and holy people, may I advance daily in wisdom and holiness (Proverbs 13:2).
Bring me to life, O Lord, so that by me you may also enliven others.
Make me the happy instrument to kindle and animate the flame of divine love in others. May the flame catch and grow from heart to heart!
Guard me, Lord, from a love of sensual, earthly pleasure. May I remember that to set my mind on the flesh is death (Romans 8:6).
Purify and refine my soul by your Holy Spirit. Help me to reject unlawful pleasures more than others pursue them, but to carefully and moderately use the ones you allow.
May my soul rise on the wings of holy thoughts to a place of invisible glory.
Powered by your grace, let me learn to entertain angels that live in your presence [Hebrews 13:1-2]. They are happy not to be brought down by the worst earthly distractions, which often cause us to forget our original purpose.
Help me to know my God-given place, and to keep at the work you have given me. But deliver me from the burdensome cares of this world, which would so absorb my time and thoughts that “the one thing needful” would be forgotten.
Moderate my desires for worldly possessions by reminding me how uncertain and unsatisfying they are [also temporal]. So while others are laying up treasures on earth, may I be rich toward God (Luke 12:21).
May I never be too busy for those things which lie between you and my soul.
May I never be so engrossed with the concerns of time to neglect the interests of eternity!
May I pass through earth with my heart and hopes set upon heaven, and feel the attraction stronger and stronger as I approach nearer and nearer to that center we seek – until the happy moment comes when every earthly object disappears from view, and the shining glories of the heavenly world fill my improved and strengthened sight.
Then I would be cheered by that which would now overwhelm me. Amen.
See also The Faith-Shaped Life
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