Prayer to the Holy Spirit. This prayer by Richard Baxter is taken from the book, Piercing Heaven- Prayers of the Puritans.
Paul wrote:
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Rom 8:26-27
For this and other reasons we pray for help from the Holy
To the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, finish the healing, saving work of Jesus my Lord, and not the flesh or the world prevail.
Let not my nights be so long and my days so short, nor sin eclipse those beams which have often illuminated my soul.
Without you, books are senseless scrawls; studies are dreams, and knowledge foolishness.
Be in me the resident witness of my Lord, the author of my prayers, the Spirit of adoption, the seal of God, and the deposit of my inheritance.
Transcribe those sacred words on my heart that by your inspiration are recorded in your holy word. Bring that love upon my heart that may keep it in a continual life of love.
Teach me the work that I must do in heaven, refresh my soul with the delights of holiness, and show me the joys which arise from the believing hopes of the everlasting joys.
Exercise my heart and tongue in the holy praises of my Lord. Strengthen me in sufferings, and conquer the terrors of death and hell.
Make me more heavenly. And let my lat thoughts, words, and works be like those which will be my first in the place of glorious immortality – the place where the kingdom is delivered up to the Father, and God will forever be all, and in all.
And the Lord of whom and through whom are all things – to him be glory forever. Amen.
– Richard Baxter
From Banner of Truth:
At the Foundations Conference, in New York City, Paul Washer recommended Iain Murray’s book ‘Pentecost Today[?]’ to the attendees, saying that this book ‘sums up’ what he believes about the power and work of the Holy Spirit.
You can watch the video HERE.
We also reviewed Pentecost Today? HERE, and we highly recommend it.
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