Alf recently wrote the article How’s Your Spiritual Warfare Going? In the article he references Chip Ingram’s book The Invisible War and encouraged me to read it – I’m so glad I did!
Since we started this website/ministry we’ve both being going through a roller coaster of emotions and, at times, it has been very challenging. I attribute much of this to spiritual warfare and so does Alf. In fact, in large part, this is what prompted him to write his article. I’ve applied some of the recommendations from the book and things are getting better, but I definitely need to re-read and frequently reference the book to fully absorb it all. This is not a book review – hopefully I can talk Alf into writing a proper review for The Invisible War. 😉
EDIT: I DID talk him into it! Here is Alf’s book review for The Invisible War
Although Chip Ingram’s main focus in the book is spiritual warfare, it is so much more than that as well. I wanted to share with you some of what Mr. Ingram says about prayer:
pages 158 & 159
ACTS is the best acronym I know that helps me get out of “monotone” praying:
A for adoration: our prayers should be saturated with giving praise, honor, and glory to God.
C for confession: let honest and open confession characterize your communication with God and others.
T for thanksgiving: look in the rearview mirror frequently and thank God for what he has done.
S for supplication: on behalf of yourself and others, boldly ask God for specific things for now and the future.
Anyone who prays through the ACTS acronym regularly will have a well-rounded, consistent prayer life.
and page 184
There are several steps you can take to bring your life into conformity with Scripture on the matter of prayer and deliverance.
- Assess the quantity and quality of your prayer life. Is it everything both you and God want it to be? If not,
- At the beginning of your normal prayer time, make two requests of God: “Today, lay on my heart the issues that you want me to pray for until you are ready for me to stop,” and, “In the next few days, impress upon me how my prayer life should change from what it is now.”
- Then be sensitive to the ways in which God might be leading you. Ask for his guidance until you are convinced you have received it.
- Pray through the ACTS model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) to make sure your prayers are well-rounded.
- Ask God to make you spiritually sensitive to demonic influence and to give you wisdom as you seek to discover your role in a specific need for deliverance.
Be persistent in these prayers. Pray earnestly and constantly for the understanding He wants you to have.
Purchase Chip Ingram’s The Invisible War!
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The Invisible War: What Every Believer Needs to Know about Satan, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare
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