Prison Fellowship’s Mission
We believe that no life is beyond the reach of God’s power, and we envision a future in which countless prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families, are redeemed, restored, and reconciled through the love and truth of Jesus Christ. We equip local churches and thousands of trained volunteers to spread the Gospel and nurture disciples behind prison walls, so that men and women become new creations in Christ – not repeat offenders. We prepare Christian inmates to become leaders of their families, communities, and churches once they are released back into the community. We support inmates’ families, helping them become reconciled to God and one another through transformative relationships with local churches.
Prison Fellowship Ministry believes that no life is beyond the reach of God’s power. Through partnership with the local church and other nonprofit organizations, we work together to meet the spiritual, physical, and personal needs of prisoners and their families with the ultimate goal of seeing them restored to Christ, their families, and their communities.
Evangelism & Discipleship
Prisons can be dark places. Just imagine the weight of all that brokenness, despair, and alienation collected between four thick walls. Does the message of Jesus apply here? We believe it does!
In 2001 Prison Fellowship started Operation Starting Line® (OSL), a collaborative network of ministries seeking to evangelize and disciple prisoners and their families.
OSL brings together dozens of Christian organizations to prisons across the country with a simple, life-changing message: that Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
Together, we can scatter the seeds of God’s Word — a critical first step on the road to new life for countless inmates in search of a new beginning! Learn more about OSL
- Building Church Leaders in Prison
- InnerChange Freedom Initiative
- Bridge Churches
- Out 4 Life
You can learn more about each of these programs HERE
Angel Tree
Every child has a story. For 2.7 million American children, that story is filled with the abandonment, loneliness and shame that come from having a mom or dad in prison. For many, it may also include following their parents down the same destructive road to incarceration.
Angel Tree, a program of Prison Fellowship, reaches out to the children of inmates and their families with the love of Christ. This unique program gives you or your church an opportunity to share Christ’s love by helping to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the families of prisoners.
Register for Angel Tree
Warden Exchange
The Warden Exchange™ (WE) is a Prison Fellowship program empowering corrections professionals to create a legacy of safer prisons and safer communities. The Warden Exchange convenes thought leaders who exchange innovative ideas and best practices for the moral rehabilitation of inmates. Together, we can create a prison culture conducive to restorative change and successful reentry.
About the Program
- A revolutionary seven-month program that equips wardens with transformational leadership skills.
- Weekly dynamic roundtable discussions via live video conference for wardens to share their experiences and ideas on eliminating prison violence, fostering successful reentry, and many more topics.
- Inspiration from top corrections experts on effective moral rehabilitation approaches that transform the hearts and minds of inmates.
- Three in-person residencies, in which wardens engage in collaborative group exercises and intensive hands-on workshops.
- Coaching to create a three- to five-year action plan to systemically transform their prison.
Visit Prison Fellowship’s Website to learn more about the ministry and ways that you can help.
Through works of grace, acts of justice, and proclaiming truth, Prison Fellowship Ministries is an expression of the church, bringing peace to a broken world.
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