The contact person told her that she would note the complaint but that an engineer had removed the tab. In its place a new “Gay and Lesbian” category had been added. Interestingly, the “Faith and Spirituality” tab was, and is, still available to PC access and all the movies are still available. So why did Netflix feel the need to remove the “Faith and Spirituality” tab? We can only wonder.
Whatever the case may be we’ve always felt that it would be nice to have a site which only showcased wholesome movies. Enter Pure Flix.
While we haven’t investigated the company yet, the presentation by David A. R. White looks promising. It might pay to take a look at it and see what you think. If you do we’d love you to contact us and tell us what you think.
From the Pure Flix website:
Our purpose is simple — Pure Flix strives to be the most trusted family-friendly video-streaming source on the web.
Our mix of family-friendly & wholesome entertainment includes movies for all ages, kid’s animated titles, documentaries, how-to’s, hobbies, educational, health & fitness, sports, outdoors and travel plus many inspirational and devotional titles. It’s all delivered in the highest resolution possible and with a user-friendly viewing experience. We provide a wholesome viewing experience for your entire family that is fun, entertaining, inspirational, and educational.
The Pure Flix team is made up of people just like you who are dedicated to this goal. We are constantly reviewing great quality content in order to continue to provide you with new titles. We believe that given a choice, people want to be able to stream wholesome, family-friendly titles that carry a great message.
Check out their movies and subscription plans here: Pure Flix Entertainment
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