Reforming our view of Israel—it’s high time that Christians, who love God’s Word, should let it speak over creeds and catechisms.
Some background
A few years ago I was invited to contribute to the Omega Letter (OL) run by Jack Kinsella. My brief was Israel, and it was posted on a weekly basis. However, in time, it seemed pointless to speculate over micro events which people would soon forget about.
There was always going to be a tension surrounding Israel and its enemies. For me, the big prophetic picture was that God will one day redeem Israel through a future process of great tribulation. I learned some troubling stuff, though.
Hating Israel
Along the way I became more and more surprised at the animosity leveled against the nation; and wrote about it. But I’m not referring to its Islamic neighbors (Hamas, the PA etc.)—that’s a whole other story. I mean hatred by professing Christians.
I spent time dialoguing with Christians who passionately hated it. I assumed that citing Scripture and correcting historical revisionism might soften their bias. In fact, the invectives quickly devolved into the kind of anti-Jewishness which would bring a smile to Hitler’s face. No kidding!
I once wrote a blog addressing Craig Blomberg’s essay: Does Historic Premillennialism Trump Dispensationalism? It attracted considerable anti-Israel, anti-Jewish diatribe from professing Christians. You know—like most of America’s ills can be laid squarely at the Jews’ feet.
Like Birds in a Cage
David Crump taught New Testament and Biblical Theology at Calvin College for 18 years. He wrote a book of the above title. You can get a gist of it HERE. It came to my attention as I was reading how hatred of Jews infiltrates university campuses (nothing new). It’s what inspired this column.
Sadly, as many other so-called Christian seminaries, Calvin College is liberal. This is reflected in Crump’s anti-Zionist book. For more see Dexter Van Zile’s comments HERE and HERE.
According to Dexter Van Zile,
“Like every Western, settler colonial enterprise, the nation of Israel was born in cruelty and bloodshed [Crump].”
(The author seems to forget that Jews are indigenous to the land in question, were themselves refugees when they returned, and themselves had been the victim of oppression in the Middle East.)
Of course Crump talks about Hagee (almost obligatory) and about which method of biblical interpretation is correct. He writes,
The debate over interpretive methods, however, is not actually about whose readings of the Bible are more objective or more literal. The more relevant question is: whose interpretations are most appropriate?
Well, here’s a thing; what does God say—not what you want Him to mean based upon your political and cultural preferences! One only has to look closer at the website which hosts Crump’s snippet, and Crump’s blog, to see which way the liberal wind blows (LGBTQ, abortion, Richard Rohr etc).
Let’s reform some more, please!
The Reformation was God’s blessing! But we need to continue the process. Let’s review “Spiritual Israel’s” true identity. Replacement Theology isn’t intrinsically anti-Semitic, but it has been historically used to persecute Jews.
Covenant Theology has stolen Israel’s identity. The church needs to give it back. Only then can we properly understand God’s Word, and why Satan drives people to hate Israel and the Jews.
Further to liberal-progressive Christianity: I once worked with a witty accountant. His manager asked him how the business was going. He responded by asking what the manager wanted—meaning he could fiddle the books to reflect whatever he desired. Of course, the accountant was joking.
Let’s not fiddle with God’s Book. That’s no joke.
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