This is a review of the book Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate by Matthew Waymeyer (Kress Christian Publications 129 pages).
Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate: Which view is correct – postmillennialism, amillennilialism or premillennialism?
Some of the material found in Waymeyer’s book was presented as a lecture at the 2010 Shepherd’s Conference, which was convened by The Master’s Seminary. You can download the audio HERE. You can also visit Scripture Thoughts for an excellent summary of Waymeyer’s audio presentation. These resources lend some idea of the scope of his book.
1) Introduction to Eschatology and the Question of the Millennium
2) Introduction to the Book of Revelation
Revelation 20:1-6
3) The Timing of Satan’s Binding: Spiritual: Present of Future?
4) The Nature of the First Resurrection Years: Symbolic or Literal?
5) The Duration of the Thousand Years: Symbolic or Literal?
6) The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ
7) The Chronology of Revelation 19-20: Recapitulatory or Sequential?
Revelation 20:7-15
8) Satan’s Final Battle
9) In the Courtroom of God
While the book appears to be a short read at only 129 pages, it packs a lot of scriptural punch. This is definitely not the sort of book that one can read and absorb completely in a single sitting. The author deftly responds to common amillennial arguments against an overall literal view of Revelation, and other objections to a premillennial view of John’s book. I especially enjoyed the rebuttals to the amillennial arguments for Satan’s binding, the resurrection in Rev 20:4 (physical or spiritual?) and the alleged recapitulation of Revelation chapter 19 by chapter 20.
Some will not like that the book has Endnotes rather than Footnotes. However, this is a minor frustration which is more than compensated for by the sheer volume of valuable information they provide the reader.
Note that this book makes an indispensable companion to Dr. Michael Vlach’s Has the Church Replaced Israel? and Premillennialism. This is a must-have book for anyone interested in Eschatology.
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Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate !
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