May the Lord revive our hearts and nations! Of course, this won’t occur until the Father sends his Son to take dominion. This is why we pray the Lord’s Prayer, “May your kingdom come; may your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven.”
May revival come into our individual hearts and flow into the church at large, so that we may redeem the time and perform the commission to which we were called!
What is revival? GotQuestions responds,
Revival refers to a spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer. It encompasses the resurfacing of a love for God, an appreciation of God’s holiness, a passion for His Word and His church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness…continue reading
The hymns below were taken from Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book.
Thomas Haweis
ENTHRON’D on high, Almighty Lord,
The Holy Ghost send down!
Fulfill in us Thy faithful word,
And all Thy mercies crown.
Though on our heads no tongues of fire
Their wondrous powers impart,
Grant, Saviour, what we most desire,
Thy Spirit in our heart.
Spirit of life, and light, and love,
Thy heav’nly influence give!
Quicken our souls, born from above,
In Christ that we may live.
To our benighted minds reveal
The glories of His grace,
And bring us where no clouds conceal
The brightness of His face.
His love, within us shed abroad,
Life’s ever-springing well!
Till God in us, and we in God,
In love eternal dwell.
Philip Doddridge
AWAKE all conquering arm awake,
And Satan’s mighty empire shake;
Asset the honours of Thy throne
And make this ruin’d world Thine own.
Thine all-successful pow’r display;
Convert a nation in a day,
Until the universe shall be
But one great temple, Lord, for thee.
Benjamin Beddome
AWAKE, awake! Thou mighty arm,
Which has such wonders wrought,
Which captive Israel freed from harm,
And out of Egypt brought.
Art Thou not it which Rahab slew
And crush’d the dragon’s head?
Constrain’d by Thee, the waves withdrew
From their accustomed bed.
Again Thy wonted prowess show,
Be Thou made bare again,
And let Thine adversaries know
That they resist in vain.
William Shrubsole Jr.
ARM of the Lord! Awake! Awake!
Put on Thy strength, the nations shake,
And let the world, adoring, see
Triumphs of mercy wrought by Thee.
Say to the heathen from Thy throne,
“I am Jehovah, God alone!”
Thy voice their idols shall confound
And cast their altars on the ground.
No more human blood be spilt,
Vain sacrifice for human guilt,
But to each conscience be applied
The blood that flow’d from Jesus’ side.
Arm of the Lord, Thy power extend;
Let Muhammad’s imposture end;
Break papal superstition’s chain,
And the proud scoffer’s rage restrain.
Let Zion’s time of favour come;
Oh bring the tribes of Israel home,
And let our wondering eyes behold
Gentiles and Jews in Jesus’ fold.
Almighty God! Thy grace proclaim
In every clime of every name;
Let adverse powers before Thee fall,
And crown the Saviour, Lord of all.
Further resources
Martyn Lloyd-Jones Revival Sermons
Why your church should pray for revival
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