We are seeing a Rise of Modern and Ancient Paganism – in fact the Old Paganism never really went away. It began in Eden and has had many re-incarnations and dress-ups throughout history, to this day.
If Richard Dawkins had hoped that science spelled the death knell of “religion”, his hopes may have been dashed. It’s rare to find someone who truly believes in an accidental meaningless universe, or absolutely nothing. It has even sometimes been posited that humans are wired to believe in something greater than themselves.
Most people I’ve encountered have faith in Some Thing even if they don’t talk about it much. Arguably, even atheistic (or theistic) scientists place their “faith” in science. One could say that science is their faith.
I came across a faith article by Jonathan Pitts which reports on the resurgence of West African religions in Baltimore, and across the United States. Pitts writes:
Ifa is one of an interrelated network of religions with African roots, including Vodou, Santeria and Sango Baptism, that appear to be gaining popularity in the United States, including in Maryland, as some African-Americans seek a spiritual experience firmly grounded in their own cultural heritage. (Emphasis mine)
One African-American practitioner who was interviewed says, “Ifa has taught me that God is not just something that lives in the sky; God is in all of us.” (Emphasis mine)
According to the article, Ifa involves the use of magic, traditional medicines and veneration of the dead. It is monotheistic, but its “supreme creative figure” shares power with numerous subsidiary deities. These deities represent elements of “life or nature”, and serve as intercessors between humans and the creator.
In this view, Africans – who had venerated male and female deities who looked like them – are now introduced to “white, male religious figures” and only one intercessor (Jesus Christ). Blame is attributed to France’s colonization of Africa and the spread of a “triumphalist form of Christianity that powerfully eroded traditional practices.” Hence, many “African Diaspora” consider Christianity to be “more an agent of oppression than of liberation.”
The practitioner was raised in a devout Christian home but says Christianity never resonated with her. It failed to answer questions regarding Adam and Even and dinosaurs; about women’s roles; why biblical people didn’t look like them; and if Jesus was real, why couldn’t we see him…
“Nobody had answers. I’m not knocking Christianity – it works for many people – but to me, it felt very empty. I thought, ‘There has to be more than this.’”
There’s a lot to unpack here. The questions are real and important and not enough time to do them justice. However, one immediate point which strikes me is the last question about not seeing Jesus. Can she now see the multiple deities she puts her faith in? Do those who reject Christianity apply the same critical rigor to their chosen beliefs?
Why do people believe what they believe? Was the Christianity you were raised up in, authentic? The Domain for Truth is an excellent resource to start looking for answers to sincere questions.
There was also the notion of getting supernatural messages and impressions. My New Age years granted me extraordinary (and seductive) experiences. But where do these originate from? Mine weren’t from departed ancestors.
Regarding creation; see CMI and AIG. This creation issue brings Rachel Held Evans to mind. I read al lot of her material and got the distinct impression she clung to and embraced doubt. Why? – Doubt gives one an excuse to make up one’s own rules. You can believe in whatever you want.
There are the sore points of “whiteness” and “maleness” and the uniqueness and identity of Jesus. Some prefer a “white” Jesus and others prefer a “black” one. Some are offended by a Jewish Jesus and prefer a “Palestinian” one. Others want a transgender, LGBTQ, or female Jesus and/or God.
But our very notion of Jesus Christ begins with and comes from Scripture – all other references are secondary and subjective sources. He (male) is Jewish and He is God (John 8:58; 2 Peter 1:1; Rev 1:8, 5:5, 22:13 etc).
Rather than identifying with the biblical Christ, many want a self-constructed facsimile which gratifies their temporal desires and emotions. This stance pays no heed to biblical truth and the eternal consequences of rejecting the real Jesus Christ. At its core it is self-absorbed, self-serving and self-enthroning (Gen 3:1-5).
Beeke & Beeke note:
Only one can be on the throne. It is either my will or Thy will be done. When God is enthroned, self is dethroned. But the opposite is also true – when self is enthroned, God is dethroned.
Imagine you’re a lost hiker who comes to a fork in the path he’s on. There are signs with arrows at the fork – one arrow pointing to the left, the other to the right. Each promises to guide you home.
On the left there are a group of people you identify with. They’re calling you in that direction. They haven’t actually been where you want to go (nor returned), but you resonate with them. The road appeals to your senses and predispositions.
On the other side there’s a Man standing in front of a narrow wicket gate who warns you that all other paths lead to eternal destruction. This Man tells you that the True Path, through the Narrow Gate, will be extraordinarily difficult at times. But He promises to carry you through it, and the rewards will be Eternal and Glorious.
Both paths can’t be right. Which way will you go?
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs– heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Rom 8:16-18
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Cor 2:9
Can any other faith system deliver these promises? Do they resonate with you? There is only One Way to salvation and eternal joy, and only One Intercessor. The Way is through the LORD Jesus Christ.
Further reading:
Christian Answers for the New Age
Which Way to Heaven? – John MacArthur
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