Send them back to the lands they came from. They’re better off there.
I can already hear the righteous cries of indignation from Social Justice Warriors. Any public decree to send refugees back to the land of their origins is bound to set Twitter Land on fire for weeks. We’d hear long platitudes about love and Christian charity. And in many cases I’d agree.
Of course, the sentiment doesn’t apply to all refugees. The ones the Social Justice Worriers worry about are almost exclusively migrating from the African continent and the Middle East and heading into the West. But I cheated. My opening lines were about Jewish refugees. I just didn’t mention who they were. Does that change things?
On more than one occasion I’ve been involved in a discussion about the Middle East conflict and its possible solutions. It’s actually not surprising how often I hear a sentiment going something like this:
“Why do Jews from the United Sates and Europe keep migrating to Israel? Isn’t this just exacerbating the problem? After all, there isn’t that much room in Palestine.”
The poor Jew is the only ethnic entity subjected to this myopic discrimination. Try it on a number of other indigenous people and see how far you get. Still, my comments will undoubtedly prompt objections about comparing apples with oranges.
First of all it isn’t about the land. It’s about not tolerating the Jew. The regional conflict began when the land was sparse in population and mostly arid. What was the excuse then? Secondly, the Jew was not always welcome in Europe either. While the hopes of Zionism (because that’s where the Jew came from) preceded Hitler, the Holocaust (rightly so) gave it impetus.
That didn’t stop reporter and former White House Correspondent Helen Thomas’ infamous outburst to a journalist:
“Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. Remember, these people are occupied and it’s their land…not German and not Poland… Go home. Poland, Germany… And America and everywhere else.
Despite the rant, Thomas had her admirers. Stephen Sizer described her as “one gutsy 90 year old lady to take on the Israel Lobby.” Sizer concluded his observations with the remark “Bring it on,” which is an appropriate remark for a “peacemaker” – right? Upon her death Hamas sent its condolences and President Obama eulogized her as a trailblazer for female journalists.
More recently Algameiner reported that Talal Abu Ghazaleh has been appointed by the United Nations in a capacity as Special Ambassador for Tourism. Unfortunately he’s also an anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist. In January 2017 MEMRI noted that his “easy solution for Palestine” was to “Let every Palestinian return to Palestine and every Jew return to his own country.”
Abu Ghazaleh claims that:
“In this day and age, Zionist power controls the decision-making centers. I always say that just like us Arabs, the US is a victim of Zionist influence, which often – if not always – steers US decisions against American interests, and in keeping with Zionist interests at all times.”
Amazingly enough, UN Secretary-General, Antonio Gutteres, “made it clear” that calls for Israel’s elimination are a form of “antisemitism.” You don’t say! How about genocide? Why appoint someone like Abu Ghazaleh in a UN position to begin with?
I’ve written about the Balfour remorse before. Several individuals insist the Balfour Declaration was a disastrous mistake – Jews should have never been allowed to migrate to “Palestine.” Aside from the usual guff from anti-Israel clerics like Stephen Sizer and Colin Chapman (Whose Promised Land?); British Labour Party leaders have shown where they stand on Balfour as well.
Melanie Phillips reported that Jeremy Corbyn refused to attend a dinner to mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, which Benjamin Netanyahu had been invited to. Instead, Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry would take his place.
This is the same lady who stated that the UK couldn’t support the Balfour Declaration because there is no Palestinian state. Phillips notes that she went on to blame Israel. She rightly observes:
…a Palestine state alongside Israel has been on offer repeatedly since 1936 – yet it has been the Arabs and “Palestinians” who have refused it while the Jews have always accepted it. There could be a state of Palestine tomorrow if the Palestinians would accept Israel’s right to exist alongside it. Instead, they want such a state solely in order to destroy Israel altogether.
Given the historical Jewish persecutions in Europe, where would the “Jew-Go-Home” people have them ultimately live? I guess Uganda might have worked. At least they would have had someone to blame for the current strife in Africa. What about Mars? That might work – until it becomes populated with anti-Semites.
Some people have suggested nice welcoming places like Australia and America where Jews can live peacefully – anywhere but Palestine. They totally miss the point. Or perhaps they don’t! Ask yourself why Jews should be treated differently to any other ethnic groups.
I mentioned the Holocaust earlier. Some think we live in emancipated times where it couldn’t happen once more. Think again! The UN and UK Labour Party examples serve as warnings to a growing tendency. As Alan Dershowitz observed:
All over the world anti-Semites are becoming mainstreamed. It is no longer disqualifying to be outed as a Jew hater. This is especially so if the anti-Semite uses the cover of rabid hatred for the nation-state of the Jewish people. These bigots succeed in becoming accepted – even praised – not because of their anti-Semitism, but despite it. Increasingly, they are given a pass on their Jew-hatred because those who support them admire or share other aspects of what they represent. This implicit tolerance of anti-Semitism – as long as it comes from someone whose other views are acceptable – represents a dangerous new trend from both the right and left. (Emphasis mine)
Anti-Semitism and hatred for Israel exists for a various reasons. Some have been seduced by oft-repeated lies, others know better. In many cases I suspect that hatred of the Jews is directly related to the fact that God chose Israel as His special nation. Of course He didn’t choose them because they are better or special, but because it was His sovereign will.
Chris Katulka of FOI further adds that the ultimate cause of anti-Semitism is found in Satan: “Anti-semitism is Satan’s way of attempting to thwart God’s divine plan.” He’s right!
However, God’s plan cannot be thwarted. The Lord will return and Israel will be redeemed whether skeptics like it or not. And God will restore them to their land forever (Amos 9:14-15).
And I will bring the third part through the fire, Refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are My people,’ And they will say, ‘The LORD is my God.’ Zech 13:9
Lord, Come Quickly!
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