There’s an old Australian saying: She’ll be right, Mate!
Some Aussies use it when they know a given situation isn’t really quite right. It’s a term of encouragement and bravado – sort of like the British stiff upper lip. Don’t admit things are. Always say, she’ll be right.
I recall when I was working for a corporation which was undergoing a steady stream of business restructuring. There were the worrying grumblers (like me) and the outwardly positive individuals who seemed to take every calamity in their stride. They often said: “It’s all good.”
But it wasn’t “all good” or “right” for those employees who arrived to work one Monday morning and had to clear their desks, and then be escorted out of the premises because of the corporate razor gang. Even some of the positive folk felt the razor.
Why am I bringing this up now? My wife recently put together a small article for our website titled Do Not Conform. The theme of the article might be summed up by the following quotes:
“We do not need a Church that moves with the world; we need a Church that will move the world.” ~ G. K. Chesterton
“Our society continues to deteriorate by political correctness, tolerance, individualism and self helpism. Christianity is taking on a new face. And it is not Christianity.” ~ A Whitely
My wife noted that things aren’t right in our society. She observed that those of us who read our Bibles shouldn’t be surprised (although saddened) that our world is getting crazy. It was well-received by many Christians who agreed.
She then posted it in one of the largest internet Christian Community groups. This group has a voting system where comments or links to articles may be voted up or down. Too many negative votes can result in an eviction from the group. Not only was the article not well received, it was called “vapid” and voted down to a negative number. One particular comment taking her article to task was voted up.
The person asked why some feared the amazing things that God was doing in the world. This individual noted that (in the US) divorce rates, violent crime and abortion were declining (most statistics aren’t to date), and that race, gender and sexuality discussions are occurring. So what was so horrible about that?
In fact one can play around with stats and just about make them say anything one wants. I know I could as a Market Analyst. Statistical trends always vary depending on population changes and numerous other factors. Yet whether crime, suicide, divorce or abortions rates show a slight periodic decline doesn’t change the overall impact.
For example one video notes the Good News & Bad News regarding abortions in 2008. There were 1.21 million abortions in 2008. Even dropping the number by 5% still yields 1.15 million abortions – which amounts to 3,150 per day. Are we comfortable with that?
It isn’t difficult to see what had happened with my wife’s article. The Christian who made the comments had an LGBT tag. If the church’s legitimization of same-sex marriage and homosexuality is important to you, then you’re likely to be in a happy place right now.
Essentially, many Christians in that group are comfortable with this world. Don’t be a party pooper – it’s not all that bad. Please don’t mention sin either. Sin is the obsession of the fundamentalist.
These people would take issue with the Apostle Paul who wrote.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Rom 12:2
Then there was a comment responding to Christian persecution and ISIS. The view was that there has always been Christian martyrdom and persecution, and that it was difficult to say whether it was getting worse. ISIS was only the most recent threat – there’s nothing to get overly concerned about.
However, others have carefully noted what is really occurring to Christians in the Middle East minus the Pollyanna filtered glasses. Christians have been fleeing the region for the past decade. Raymond Ibrahim has been documenting these trends, but unfortunately he makes for uncomfortable reading.
It’s better to focus on the positives – right?
The incident was just another confirmation that there’s a sleepy malaise in this world. We can politely talk about “Climate Change” or the poor and what we might do about them. But some subjects have a certain stigma attached to them. It’s less awkward to accidentally give way to flatulence in conversation than raise certain topics.
It’s frustrating for those who track news in light of the command by Christ to “watch.” I was speaking to someone recently, and he did something I suspect he quickly regretted. He casually led the conversation towards some of the bad stuff which was happening around us.
But he didn’t want to know gory details about Putin, Iran, North Korea, China, ISIS or Israel. He didn’t want to hear about the Middle East implosion, or Iran’s nuclear aspirations, or possible EMP attacks. His eyes glazed over when I mentioned that some of current dynamics parallel the period prior to World War 2.
He hadn’t heard about them, hadn’t investigated them and was obviously skeptical. I committed the sin of going over the allocated time usually allowed for this material, and taking it too seriously. As far as my relative was concerned, bad stuff has always happened. And after awhile it’s all good again. The conversation ended at that.
Perhaps I made him uncomfortable.
The fact is that this prideful world is swimming in sin which will ultimately attract God’s eschatological wrath. Sadly, those who attach any significance to prophecy and Christ’s Second Advent are seen as naive, eccentric or plain nutty.
I’m comforted by what the Apostle Peter wrote:
…scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. 2Pe 3:3-4
Who is being naive and nutty?
It’s the person who presumes that things will always continue as before and who is not paying attention to where this world is heading in light of God’s word.
She’s not right at all, Mate.
It won’t be until Jesus Christ returns and makes it right.
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